Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Sanny Rumampuk (93)
After a long 4 days of cloud and rain in CA, there's only beauty behind mothers natures tears.rn
20 tahun yang lalu
waaah top nih pemandangannya.. kalo ditambahin sayap gimana?
21 tahun yang lalu
obyek ok...memang benar krg tajam?
Nice view... rather blur...
Welcome to FN San! Nice first pic. Just some minor flaws 1. The picture is a bit dark (Can be fixed with a picture diting software) 2. Could use a little more pixels to soften the picture up a bit. (You can use a software called Neatimage to fix it) One thing about FN, they allow you to use graphic manipulation from any software. Not just a raw photograph. A little on the cheating side if u ask me ;)
sebetulya objek dan warnanya menarik sayang agak buram yah
Good idea San. However, the shady gray reflection on the glass window on the upper side of the picture is noticeable. Not quite a good contrast with the dark area on the lower left side of the picture. You could use Photoshop (people here call it PS) thou to make an adjustment. If the timing is right, wait till sunset or during sunrise, which will give that rich gold accent down below. Welcome aboard by the way. And now you gotta wait for another painfull 24 hours just to add another photo. hehehehe
kurang tajam, dan warna buram ..
ngambilnya dari mana mas? satelit?