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Apif M. Hajji (33644)
ISO Speed Ratings: 100rn...has been the residence of the popes only since 1377, six centuries interrupted by long stays at Quirinal Palace. Before the pontifical court was transferred to Avignon (1309-1377), the headquarters of the pope had been at the Lateran. This basilica is located in an independent state (called the Vatican City), when the Lateran Treaty definitively resolved the 'Roman Issue' between the church and the Italian State in 1929.
21 tahun yang lalu
komposisi yang menarik, tajam... well done!!
nicely taken!!tip top.
Angle menarik. Tajam.
mantap sekali pak miftah....slow speednya keren banget!
uhui itu gerakan air mancur dan lighting luar biasa. Foto malam yang berhasil sekali Apiff
Foto di malam hari sangat detail. Saya suka masih ada sisa awan di dekat kubah.