Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Rick BK (10628)
Second series of snapshot picture of same model. Taken at around 2 pm on the shaded area. Retouched with PS for Brightness/Contrast
20 tahun yang lalu
Fokus cukup tajam serta blocking obyek cukup baik, komposisi sdh benar, pencahayaannya sdh pas, good shoot!
21 tahun yang lalu
DOF...mata didodge dikit
dibagian mata agak gelap imho..
cewe elo rick? hehehhe kalo kang triyuda sih emang jagonya setuju sama saran dia
Latino girl..doesn't it Rick..? nice model and pose..i agree with Ichwan comment..
Nice shot.
komposisi cakep DOF BG ok POI agak UE mungkin karena cahaya di BG lebih keras coba letakan reflektor atau fill in flash deh IMHO
i think it would be better if you only had taken the face instead of including the shoulder that would've made a nice close-up
nice shoot.....
wajah nya kurang jelas
nice shot rick...but it will be better if the girl's face were not glowing imho...