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Marc Aviles (17202)
20 tahun yang lalu
warnanya benerĀ² mantep nich... dan tajem banget lagi... hebat!
nice picture. Refleksi di air yg bagus
21 tahun yang lalu
Wow, nice pic, so sharp, and momentnya pas banget tuh.
very sharp mate.. beautiful.. can't say anymore.. just wonderful...
nice shot
Sharp abizzz...Nice reflection.. Foto yg almost prefect.. Sayang ya kaki burung sebelah kanan keliatan berdarahnya.. :o(
The flamingo is always nice to see. I've got no complaint about this shot.
Very very good picture from someone who claims to be just learned how to make photo :-) The colors, they reflection, the waves.... outstanding! I envy you for not able taking picture in this quality :-)
Splendid!, Nice color, composition and very nice reflection.
Very Sharp & Interesting Color
warnanya eksotis...refleksi and komposisinya nice...
good, nice reflection
Good pic, warna tajam & good reflection !
tajam, warnanya bagus, refleksinya cakep... nice shot !
Wow it's pretty Marc..Great Shot
mantap.... warna, komposisi dan moment-nya perfect.... good shoot...
refleksi air yang bagus sekali. komposisi dan detail juga TOP. anda memang jeli menangkap momentnya. ikut lomba satwa dong.
Interesting object Nice reflection on the ripples Very interesting composition Good choice of DOF to isolate the object
Warna burungnya bagus sekali... Cropping terlalu ketat.. buntut sedikit mepet pinggir.. ketajaman dan cahaya cukup bagus...
Very nice color .. true-to-life Marc ... The reflections are just great ...
It is a very nice composition indeed .. Cropping just a bit tight in the right side .. But Overall is really great ..
memang cantik sekali
great pic!
I love this picture, peferct tone color, and good composed.