Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Rahul Sharma (7058)
this guy was smoking pot, when i shot him, i wish his face was more visible
19 tahun yang lalu
Komposisi sdh seimbang, fokus tajam serta moment sdh baik, cahaya sdh pas.
21 tahun yang lalu
Wonderful warm colors in this beautiful shadow photo Rahul, very well done
Well..if you love the shadow. But I'd rather wait for a little while when he puffss his cigarette.
Bagus, objeknya memberi warna lain di milis ini...
the shadow never lie...
I like this foto unfortunately scan work was not properly done... check on the upper right corner...
Smoking Good Time.... Very rich color! Asik nih fotonya Man.
Permainan bayangan yang menarik.
I like this photo...good BG reflection
i think this guy was sleepy... a wider angle needed...
Very good play with shadow
Obyek menarik. Sayang ya tangannya menutup muka. Bagian kanan atas terasa mengganggu. Kepulan asapnya kalo terekam bisa tambah apik ya. Shadow-nya juga memperindah tampilan foto ini.
Great color... Great shadow... I think it's just a matter of luck, if your angle was a bit higher you could've gotten his face clearly...
nice shot...too bad you can't see his face...
oke apikk...shadownya muncul....eh mbahnya bisa ngramal nomer togel nggak tuh ! he..he..he..
nice shadow, plus i love BG colour..
good shot. pls check the BG..
idem sama comment rekan2.... walau idenya tentang shadow sangat imajinatif..
motretnya gak permisi dulu ya..
Bagus...arah penyinaran dari samping. Mungkin kalau di tambahkan fiil in untuk face obyek lebih baik (atau karena memang face objek berwarna gelap)
I suggest, that you should take this picture little beat right and from the left side of this guy.