Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Eddy Ng (15883)
in the evenings Losari Beach hosts beautiful sunsets and the area becomes alive with hundreds of warungs opening to cater for the many families and couples who go there for a stroll or dinner. I love the area, every time I make a new friend.
21 tahun yang lalu
I love the lighting..
Hmmm...Hmmmm....Hmmmm....Just Good
Ah..ah...ah...ah..., just high sense of photography can capture this side lighting nicely. Want the man not staring intendedly to you, may asked him just to dissolve himself with his job?.
bw apik....
DEtailnya masih terlihat...
nice bw
great photo
Nice B/W.....lightingnya juga