where are you Indonesia? 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


 Eddy Ng (15883)

My interpretation....there is trouble but there are also HOPES, Peace and Dreams for a country I love, Indonesia. This is a photo I took while on the ArgoGedde train between Jkt and Bandung. Bp Budi, thanks for your comments...I agree, a train ride will not reveal all about Indonesia. But an image, properly crafted will say many thousands of words to different people and each will have their own interpretations.....those who know me know that Indonesia is a major part of my personal life. No judgements are passed here (my own country has been to Hell also) but my interpretation of the image is not from a negative viewpoint. Yes to me the broken glass speaks of the Asian crisis that hit every country inluding mine and yours. The price we paid was not only economic and political but also social from our largest cities to the smallest villages. The landscape is behind and after the broken glass and this distance represents time ...I see the tree and the grasses as LIFE as real Hope and the sky as the future. The building I see as rebuilding as growth and as strength. The essay is here: http://www.walkeast.com/galleries.php?id=9 What is its message to YOU? If you say 'Good Pic' or 'Nice BW' ...DONT DO IT. I ONLY WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOUR HEART SAYS. Thanks so much for sharing Bp Andri....I do have other variations. I do not have the courage to show it.....one is with a mosque in background while other is ........ with rice field.

  • Nilai foto: 83
  • Dilihat: 447
  • Waktu upload: Selasa, 29 Jul 2003
  • Lokasi: Java,
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: -
  • Speed: -
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Contax G2 *
  • Filter: yellow k2
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Nina Marzoeki (27061)

21 tahun yang lalu

i'm agree with d rifai...

Donna Rifai (1511)

21 tahun yang lalu

Truly honor to know another person's view about the beloved country. All people in Asia had suffered alot from the turmoils for the past years. I saw the interpretation the moment I saw this picture. Photos is not only for pleasuring the eyes, but also speaks the symbols of what really goes on in the surroundings. BTW, I don't sense any judgement from your 'keterangan tambahan'

Andri Dian Prihutomo (1111)

21 tahun yang lalu

I think pictures like this must be scored more than just 3 TU. I'm losing word to give a comment about this. I believe what I am writing now won't be enough to express my feelings. (wow... it took about 40 minutes to write-erase-write-erase...-write my words for this pic) This picture creates a multidimensional perception. There are angers, tears, critices, hopes, wishes, prayers and... love! All of them just fit inside it. I think, the basic monster for Indonesia isn't about the economic crysis, leadership crysis, law crysis, or "maling ayam" crysis. It's about morality , and the root of morality is : EDUCATION. Most of people in Indonesia isn't smatr enough to think about making a condusive life. All the "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika"(Unity in Diversity, the motto of Indonesia)-things are BULLSHITS. They can't deal well with difference. The crack on the glass was caused by the social jealousy. Unlike other trains with class of bussines/economy, Argogede was designed as all-executive carriage, and not allowing people to sell food from outside. So, these sellers are mad and protest by throwing rocks. It's only a small difference, the rich and the poor. What about the difference of religion, tribal, and many more? The only imperfection of this pic is that there is no specific thing that describes Indonesia. Maybe if you got an atribute of Argogede train inside the frame, such as the writings on the backseat or a pillow, the pic would get all it needs. Mr. Eddy, I would like to know you better. I've seen your pictures in this site, and I think you have a specific purpose on your job. If you have a mission to rebuild the morality of Indonesia, anyhow, whoever you are, I will give you my hand. Thank you for showing this picture to Indonesia.

 Adrian A. (8991)

21 tahun yang lalu

What's behind the broken glass is not that clear. Not really telling me anything about Indonesia. Perhaps a more significant element behind the glass (that lead us to think about Indonesia), will make the picture look stronger. By the way, I respect your feeling about this country. I admire what you have done so far. Keep doing it.

 Endar Nata Sanjaya (19823)

21 tahun yang lalu

Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai....... Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh......

 Angger Bondan K (9321)

21 tahun yang lalu

Nice BW and a good pic.... just kidding :) I hope Indonesia will have a bright sky......... And replace the glass with a new generation.

Andika Triwidada (2371)

21 tahun yang lalu

very sad a wild cancer starts from THE center spread quickly everywhere unhealable unstopable and only one way to do: replace and start fresh!

 Indra Dhani (65099)

21 tahun yang lalu

hmm... Indonesia...

 Wiryo Hartoyo (29082)

21 tahun yang lalu


 Novemto Komo (8396)

21 tahun yang lalu

KEJAM memang indonesia

 Irfan A (5369)

21 tahun yang lalu

"This crack will be repaired soon..", Perumka said. This situation just a little crack in the long journey of "great train" Indonesia. We just didn't wake up yet !! Wait until we'd finished this little trouble, and we will show you who we really are !! salam, Irfan A.

 Chandra SB (41373)

21 tahun yang lalu

interesting picture

 Gladia B. (7718)

21 tahun yang lalu

it's 'cracked' ...hope a strong hand will come back to unite it 'pak... you may need to rephrase your last sentence in keterangan tambahan imho..

 danu k (5433)

21 tahun yang lalu

"kaca pecah" gambaran riil indonesia saat ini....... salam kenal,,,,

 Rakhmat eRBe Budi (11754)

21 tahun yang lalu

let's put aside political issue here :-) You can't speak about Indonesia by judging from your experience boarding an Argo Gede train ;-). Same thing apply for me, I should not judge anything about your country, eventhough I have been boarding Singapore's train for the past several years (a lot more than you did on Argo Gede), hehehehe. OK, now photo critique... As a single photo, this photo doesn't really tell that it was taken in Indonesia. Maybe if you took the photo in one of several stations where the trains stop (so that you can picture the station's name on the photo), the 'taste' of Indonesian train will be stronger. But... if this photo is part of several photos, and composed together as an essay... well, this is indeed a strong photo :-) BTW, please drop some comment on my photo too: http://www.fotografer.net/isi/galeri/lihat.php?id=28378 Thanks, man... Regards, eRBe, Singapore July 2003

 Eka Alam Sari (9096)

21 tahun yang lalu

Wah mana nih pak Chandra Wirapati yg jago mengungkapkan isi hati sebuah foto? Pak Eddy, bagis aya foto ini simbolik banget. Dan terus terang saya tidak mengerti maksud yang disampaikan. Untung ada keterangan, hingga cukup memandu saya yang masih awam. Foto ini cukup berbicara. Kaca yang retak dan latar belakang yg buram, seolah memang seperti inilah gambaran akan Indonesia sekarang di mata orang asing. Saran saya, kalau dibuat berseri pasti lebih terasa lagi kedalaman makna judul fotonya.

 Kusuma Adi Ningrat (13289)

21 tahun yang lalu

indonesia will get out of all the trouble

 K Wijaya (9411)

21 tahun yang lalu

Indonesia been caught by problematic web(cracked glass) ,but still "ada celah untuk bebas" thats what I think and feel ,pak...