street of life 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


 Eddy Ng (15883)

experimental work with long shadows. Please critique TU or TD is ok...give learning comments. I dont want just \'its good\' or \'its lousy\'. Please explain your feelings. Thank you for honest comments all! Appreciated! As I said, its experiment...testing

  • Nilai foto: 35
  • Dilihat: 299
  • Waktu upload: Selasa, 22 Jul 2003
  • Lokasi: Phnom Penh,
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: -
  • Speed: -
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Canon PowerShot G3 *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Very Wirawan (35735)

21 tahun yang lalu

simple object but you capture it well ...

Fajar Sitanggang (603)

21 tahun yang lalu

bagus, waktu yg tepat menekan shutter

 Angger Bondan K (9321)

21 tahun yang lalu

Why dont U try to take the picture from a top of a building, so we can see the shape of the shadow more clearly,,, IMHO.

 Ary Indra (12247)

21 tahun yang lalu

I'd rather not to have that crowded background......And the lady's face...? Mmm....too 'shadowy'!

 Adrian A. (8991)

21 tahun yang lalu

Pak, background is distracting. I'd rather crop the picture as far as the tire of the car. Leaving only the long shadow, and the headless walking fat lady along with headless bikeman. Keep posting Pak! *have you considered eXpan?*

 Wiratno (11293)

21 tahun yang lalu

POInya kabur... Salam

 Gladia B. (7718)

21 tahun yang lalu

pak, regardless of your photo title, i rather focus to walking lady with her long shadow, and the lady in bicycle as well and isolate them from rest, these object having more power to attract

 Jonathan Marbun (4192)

21 tahun yang lalu

the DOF you choose was correct. the angle you stood at was not correct. the motion of the woman and the lady on her bicycle supposed to be placed on the left of this frame or you may wait for a few second for the motorcycle until they got into the middle of this frame. hopefully undeerstood. nice work anyway...because there's no cure for curiosity without an attempt. good luck Then..!!!

Gouw Hok Siang (1496)

21 tahun yang lalu

i couldn't see the point of interest of this pic,IMHO it would be nice if you could pick up one of the subject as an object.

 R Soeryo Adi Tjahyono (3239)

21 tahun yang lalu

sejujurnya ini foto biasa aja, maksud saya hanya seperti foto dokumentasi aja.. maaf

 Faisol Rizani (4632)

21 tahun yang lalu

Where's the point of interest

 Wilson Hidayat (5565)

21 tahun yang lalu

Personally I dont get the "street of life" tag line. More prominent focus of interest prob?

Charles W Unsulangi (1853)

21 tahun yang lalu

how about cropping ? More to the lady , bicycle & the nice long shadow .. Great Shoot

 Anjas I Gunawan (9597)

21 tahun yang lalu

not well composed.. would be better if u omitted or blured cars and motocycles in the left.. POI?.. imho... Bagaimana kalo Bahasa Indonesia? Anda bisa menangkap maksudnya?

 Azman Amir (6198)

21 tahun yang lalu

photo would be nice if the bicycle and lady would walk into the picture....with the long shadows...