Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bay ISMOYO (4497)
It was a lucky shot, I tried to compose to get a nice composition between the victim and the people watching. Suddenly after I developed the film, I knew that there were three men jump over the water. This tragedy was a bomb exploded at the Philliphine Ambassador resident.
21 tahun yang lalu
Foto jurnalistik tapi tetep nyeni, sip bgt....
keren, mengingatkanku pada om Henri Cartier .....salam!
moment yang tepat, apalagi ada orang yang loncat bareng2..
greta shot! greta composition ang angle
keren-keren.. tapi ngeri liat mayatnya...
Yes, You were so lucky and on the right time too.Sometimes you have to expect the unexpected things.
Lomba loncat ya. Gw suka liat anglenya.
ihhh tapi tuh pas banget yah ada 3 orang lagi loncat berbarengan lagi