Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Gerry Santoso (1219)
Her name is Anutra, from Thailand. She is my class mate. Me and other class mates were having lunch together at Burswood Hotel, Perth Australia. She was very shy and very hard to get her picture. Lucky me, I had this shot. This photo was taken using 420 EX flash at 300mm focal length. Any comments, critiques would be appreciated.
20 tahun yang lalu
Nicely composed.
rambutnya koq bisa kilat-kilat gitu ?
bang...di FN juga nih?
21 tahun yang lalu
Komposisi sdh. benar, fokus cukup tajam dan pencahayaannya pas. Good shoot!
cantik ...
coba zoom out lagi, terlalu ketat nice lighting
my name is haryo, my nickname is ucuk, i don't know why my family call me that...
22 tahun yang lalu
my name is ikhsan from indonesia. half japanese half batak... that's what people call me... i like photography... eh jadi keterusan ikut ikutan kamu... nice shot bud! cuma terlalu dekat.