Crossing Bridges 15: Thank You

Oleh:  R. B. Isworo (5770)    6 tahun yang lalu


We build bridges and we cross them.


Crossing Bridges 15 marked the 15th time this community of photographer friends converge. Every year, our bond of friendship grows stronger. Using photography as our common tool, we build bridges of friendship, and we cross them. This bridge now currently spans across 10 countries. We intend to stretch and cross the bridge even further in the future. To rephrase Eddie Ng’s word: “we come as strangers, we part as friends.” We all share the bond that many have shared from the previous Crossing Bridges events.


This year, Indonesia received the honor to host Crossing Bridges 15. It took around 9 months for the team to prepare the event, starting from location scoutings, meeting people, finding the best possible routes, and so on. One of's founder, the late Kristupa Saragih, has been the main inspiration of this event. His passion for photography, his love for his friends and tradition of his homeland, North Sumatra, guided us in developing this event. Such was the inspiration that in the end more and more people wanted to contribute to this event.


Viewing from the posts in Crossing Bridges group page in Facebook, we have concluded that the event has been a complete success. Friendship, the essence of Crossing Bridges, has been represented in great detail in the event, in a way that has touch our hearts deeply. For that, we, on behalf of, the organizer of this event, wish to thank the following people for his/her/their contribution to the event:


Deddy Kusumabhakti, Dir Intel POLDASU
Roland Martubongs, Imigrasi
Ombang Siboro, Kadispar Kab. Samosir
Basar Simanjuntak & Wahyu Dito, BPODT
Annette Horschmann Siallagan, Tabo Cottage
Tiolina Sinambela, Rumah Kaca Huta Bolon, Samosir
Erizal Ginting, BOOMs Siantar
S Simbolon / br Sihaloho, Kilang Ulos "Romiduk" Simbolon, Pematang Siantar


Sanggar Tari :
Perri Sagala - Sanggar Seni JOLO NEW TRADITIONAL CREATION DANCE (Performance Samosir)
Sultan Saragih - Sanggar Budaya Rayantara (Performance Simalungun)
Ai Ai Dancer, (Performance Medan)


Indonesian Red Cross and Red Crescent:

Ria Oktora, M Azis Siregar, Irama Suryani


Volunteer Guides:
Riyanthi Sianturi, Pesta Valentina Manullang, Agri Fina, Adventina Siahaan, Vinny Sihombing, Dwide Elizabeth Sembiring, Nathasya Dona Uli Jakarta
Hartono K Halim, Sahat Sihombing, Final Toto, Parolan Harahap, Ridwan Prasetyo Medan
Petrus Loo, Johnny Siahaan, Heinrico Hardi, Veri Ardian, Chris Rotor, Lana Priatna Samosir
Debby Simarmata (Model Coordinator), Lisbeth Sidabutar, Ubay Bakara, Feny Sarah Sinaga, Andro Sinaga (Child and water buffalo) Siantar
Heri Irawansyah (Erik Profill) & Team: Mhd. Junaidi, Ricky Fahreza, Rizki, Ilham, David, Bowo, Chandra Kirana Hutapea (Model Coordinator)


Bus & Car Rental Pelita Car Medan
R Edhi Wibowo, SE (Owner), Dinata (Coordinator), Heri Tona Wahyu, Hasan & Crew, Agam & Crew, Limbong & Crew, Edho & Crew, Asep & Crew, Ferry, Lubis


Hotels and Accommodations:
Nurwinda Sari & Achmad - Grandhika Hotel, Tata Ginting - Debang Ressort, Bpk Gultom - Samosir Cottage, Saiful & Anggi Prabowo - Horison Hotel Siantar


MC & Manager :
Mhd Reza Siregar, Rini Aprianty


Talents at Pematang Siantar:
Dhea, Feby, Claudya, Casey, Dilla, Stephanie, Viky, Akhyar, Akhram


Our sponsors:
CITRAWEB Solusi Teknologi
Focus Nusantara
Astragraphia Xprins Indonesia - PrintQoe
Victor Fungkong
Enka Deli


Country Leaders:
Indonesia: Shinta Djiwatampu
Singapore: Eddie Ng
Vietnam: Nguyen Thanh Hai 
Philippines: Eduviges Huang 
Malaysia: Yusuf Hashim 
Sri Lanka: Bandu Gunaratne 
Korea: Kim Yong Bong 
Taiwan: Fushan Jaw 
China: Albert Lim


All participants from Korea, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and Indonesia.


Also everyone whose names we have not mention, please accept our deepest apologies.


To all participants, supporters, volunteers and sponsors, please accept our apologies should there be times in which we have not delivered things up to the standards, due to many circumstances.


Crossing Bridges 15 binds us all, be it participants, supporters, volunteers and sponsors. We met as strangers, but now we leave North Sumatra as friends.


Now the torch has been passed, team Philippines will now kindle the fire of friendship, while we, the embodiment of the friendship, will once again meet to keep the flame. See you all in the Philippines.


Thank you, all of you, our friends.


”Don't forget, friendship is number one"
-- Kristupa Saragih

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