Auto Focus Microadjustment Calibration Software

Oleh:  Frangky Pasuhuk (16161)    13 tahun yang lalu


Just to share... Kemarin iseng browsing trus ketemu software menarik di website-nya Rich Meston, dia sedang mengembangkan suatu software yang dapat mengkalibrasi secara otomatis lensa Canon EF dengan kamera EOS 5DM2, 1DM3 & 7D.

Copas perubahan/update terakhir dari software AFMAC_0.6.1

Please note – due to a bug in this software you MUST run as Administrator on Windows Vista and Windows 7 (right click on the application icon and choose Run As Administrator). I will change this requirement – it’s just so a file can be created in the executable directory. If you’re not happy running this version as Administrator, wait until the next version and I’ll fix it.

The operation of the software has been changed to make it easier to use:

7D support! The software specifically recognises the 7D and changes some internal operations to work with the camera. Note that as of this version, if the camera is not recognised (i.e not a 5Dmk2 or 7D) then the 7D method of operation will be chosen as default. This may work with the 50D, 1Dmk3 and 1Dsmk3 and 1Dmk4 but these have not been tested.
The AF values now run from -30 to +30 (yes, you can do this!) This generally leads to more reliable results and reduces the chance of a specific algorithm bug occurring.
Target analysis functions have been improved to be more reliable.
Drive mode is now configured for the test and restored afterwards
A situation where the software could hang when not able to communicate with the camera or regularly at the end of the test has been resolved
Indication of target verification is now shown, so you know the target is in the right place
The settings restore functionality has been made more robust.
Validation of parts the restore is performed, so hopefully this should leave the camera as it was before testing.
Some text changes on the GUI and a bit more verbosity at the end of the test.

Yang tertarik untuk mencoba
Download Latest Version 0.6.1
Unzip menggunakan Winrar atau Winzip
Dalam folder "AFMAC_0.6.1_Target" terdapat panduan cara penggunaan software dimaksud dalam bentuk file PDF "AFMAC_0.6.1.pdf", wajib dibaca terlebih dahulu!

semoga bermanfaat.

Sebagai info, software ini belum saya coba, untuk itu saya tidak bertanggungjawab atas segala akibat dari penggunaan sofware ini,
(use it with your own risk!)

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