link: Anomali Blur pada Olympus E-P1 (?)

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    15 tahun yang lalu


Imaging Resource melaporkan tentang adanya anomali pada E-P1 yaitu munculnya blur (gambar berbayang) ketika menggunakan lensa 14-42mm dengan shutter speed berkisar antara 1/100-1/200s. Report-nya ada disini:
The E-P1's anomalous blur occurs under two circumstances, both arising from the same underlying cause.
1. With the 14-42mm M.ZUIKO lens mounted, the shutter's vibration can produce sufficient vibration in the lens elements, especially at 35 and 42mm, to cause noticeable blurring from about 1/100 to 1/200 second.
2. With firmware version 1.0, and far less so with 1.1, turning on image stabilization (IS1) will result in increased blurring in about the same shutter speed range.

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