Foto-foto luarbiasa karya Li Wei

Oleh: Jeffry (2670)    16 tahun yang lalu


Alo rekan² FNers & kk² senior semua, beberapa waktu lalu saya memperoleh foto² yang menurut saya luar biasa ini dari milis. Berikut adalah sedikit tulisan yang menyertai foto² tersebut:

Chinese artist Li Wei from Beijing started off his performance series 'Mirroring' and later on took off attention with his 'Falls' series which shows the artist with his head and chest embedded into the ground. His work is a mixture of performance art and photography that creates illusions of a sometimes dangerous reality. Li Wei states that these images are not computer montages and works with the help of props such as mirror, metal wires, scaffolding and acrobatics.

Bagaimana menurut rekan² & kk² senior sekalian? Kira² teknik apa yah yang digunakan untuk membuat effect seperti itu? Apa betul tanpa montase bisa membuat foto² seperti itu?
Ditunggu commentnya yah. Thanks :)

Peace ^^ v

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