Nikon D90 rumors heating up ahead of Photokina as well (+pic)

Oleh:  Sandy Junandya (5241)    16 tahun yang lalu


by Nilay Patel, posted Aug 5th 2008 at 10:36PM

Man, all these old camera rumors are just seeping out of the woodwork ahead of Photokina next month -- now it's the Nikon D90 getting the zombie rumor treatment. At least we're getting specs this time around, and they're not bad at all: 12 megapixels, Live View, video mode (necessitating a built-in mic), HDMI out, optional GPS, and a new 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens. Sure, it's a worthy successor to the D80 -- but we'll believe it when we see it.

P.S.- Yes, that's another old, probably Photoshopped image that's been floating around, so don't get crazy -- like we said, these rumors aren't exactly new. original link

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