[Rumour] Nikon D10 D-SLR ?

Oleh:  Rendra Kartadinata (19382)    16 tahun yang lalu


Thom Hogan (www.bythom.com) sempet memberikan komentar mengenai spekulasi pemunculan Nikon versi murah FX untuk menandingi Canon EOS 5D tahun ini.

Kalo benar, Kemungkinan diposisikan di antara D300 dan D3..

forum dpreview.com

Actual sports aren't the only type of picture that gets shot at the Olympics. You're going to want a high-rez camera for the opening ceremonies, for example. But the more important aspect of the Olympics, like a few other events, is the sheer number of professional photographers in one place. It'll be in the many thousands. And both Canon CPS and Nikon NPS are there in force. They generally use such venues to show off new equipment and have ubiquitous loaners available. There certainly will be D3, 200mm f/2, 300mm f/2.8, 400mm f/2.8, 500mm f/4, and 600mm f/4 all available for the sports, but it would be a missed opportunity not to have a D3x, D10, and any new lenses there, as well.

yang menarik adalah penamaan "MB-D10" vertical grip untuk Nikon D300. Jika kita memperhatikan dari pengalaman, Sony juga mengumumkan vertical grip VG-B30AM untuk Alpha 200 DSLR yang mengacu pada dugaan akan pemunculan A300 beberapa waktu kemudian. (dan terbukti benar)

Padahal , Vertical Grip Nikon MB-D200 langsung mengacu untuk Nikon D200.
MB-D10 untuk D10 terbaru 8-> ?

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