Shutter count D80 sampai 1,2jt !

Oleh:  Erick Suria Mulyadi (8741)    16 tahun yang lalu


Nikon Cameras are Like the Energiser Bunny :
- An event photo business in Rotorua has been using Nikon D80s to photograph the thousands upon thousands of people that frequent the popular Luge downhill ride.
Cameras are mounted in a box, and triggered by sensor as the luge carts pass.
The cameras are thus often fired over 1,000 times per hour, quickly knocking up some serious mileage.
Nikon service reports that one of their D80s, recently in for servicing, had done 856,570 shots, or, in film speak, 23,793 rolls of 36 exposure film.
The event photographers also have another D80 that's done over 1.2 million shots without a service!

terjemahan bebas

Kamera Nikon seperti boneka energizer
Bisnis foto event di Rotorua menggunakan D80 untuk memotret ribuan dari ribuan orang yang menaiki Luge menuruni bukit
Kamera dipasang di dalam kotak dan di-trigger (dijepret) dengan sensor pada saat kereta luge lewat
jadi, kamera dijepret lebih dari 1.000 jepret per jam,
ngebut banget nambah jam terbang kamera
Bagian Servis Nikon mengatakan bahwa satu dari D80-nya diservis, shutter countnya telah mencapai 856.570 jepret
atau bicara film, 23.793 rol film isi 36.
Fotografer event ini bahkan punya D80 yang shuttercountnya sudah mencapai 1,2 jepret !

luge :
(kereta yang meluncur dengan gravitasi)
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