Banyak fix ! :P
What's New?
Be sure to read this section on updates with this version before
updating the software:
Modifications enabled with Ver. 1.2.0:
* Images open faster;
* Support for nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 for Capture NX has been
added. See the following website for further details:
* When any of the operations listed below are performed, "updating
image" is now displayed in the image window title bar. Enhancements
and other operations can still be performed while "updating image" is
o An image is opened
o A different version is selected from the Version menu
o Revert is selected from the File menu.
* When Open With... is selected from the File menu for an image
saved to CD-R or other non-recordable medium, the image is first
copied to a separate location and then opened in the other
* When Show Lost Shadows was selected from the View menu, and then
display ratio of the image reduced, the range of lost shadows changed.
This issue has been resolved;
* When the size or resolution for an image was specified with
selection of Size / Resolution... from the Edit menu and the setting
saved with Save Settings... in the Batch menu, the aspect ratio of
processed images was incorrect when the saved settings file was used
with batch processing of images captured in different orientations.
This issue has been resolved;
* An issue that prevented the saving of images when the size or
resolution was set particularly high using the Size / Resolution...
option in the Edit menu has been resolved;
* An issue that caused RAW images captured with the D1X at an ISO
sensitivity setting of ISO 570 to appear completely black has been
* An issue that caused images to be affected when saved with a
high Radius value in the Gaussian Blur palette (Adjust menu > Focus >
Gaussian Blur...) has been resolved;
* When an image was enhanced with selection of D-Lighting... from
the Light submenu in the Adjust menu, and then another image opened, a black band appeared through the middle of the new image. This issue
has been resolved;
* An issue that prevented the saving of images enhanced using the
Adjust > Color Profile... and Adjust > Color > LCH... options has been
* When options in help contents (Help > Contents) were selected,
images were sometimes not displayed, or incorrect dialogs were
displayed. These issues have been resolved;
* When Color Lightness, Chroma, and Hue settings in the LCH
palette were saved with Batch>Save Settings... and these settings then
applied to a different image, Width sliders did not display correctly.
This issue has been resolved;
* When Hue and other settings in the LCH palette were saved with
Batch>Save Settings... and these settings then applied to a different
image, setting values were sometimes incorrect and points would not
move. These issues have been resolved;
* An issue that sometimes prevent proper Set Gray Point operation
from Base Adjustments > Camera Adjustments > White Balance has been
* An issue that caused differences in values displayed in the
Levels & Curves palette and those displayed in the Photo Info
palette's Watch Points has been resolved;
* When All was selected in the Advanced portion of the Color
Control Point dialog and a new Color Control Point added, the setting
for the new Color Control Point reverted to the default setting (BCS).
This issue has been resolved;
* When any of the Control Point settings palettes were minimized
and any of the Control Point sliders moved, the sliders reverted to
their original position. This issue has been resolved;
* When an internal hard disk and external hard disk contain
folders with the same name, the folders in each disk were displayed in
different order in the File Directory. They are now displayed in the
same order;
* An issue the caused an error message to be displayed when the
Rotate tool was clicked for a folder selected in the Browser has been
* An issue the caused an error message to be displayed and
prevented printing when printing was initiated while thumbnails were
loading in the Browser has been resolved;
* An issue that caused an error message to be displayed and
prevented printing when attempting to print from a 6 X 9-inch
compatible printer with 6x9 inch selected in the Page Layout panel of
the Print layout dialog has been resolved;
* When the font size used for printing photo information (meta
data) was modified using the Change... button in the Meta Data dialog
(Print layout dialog > Meta Data...button), Detail Information was not
properly printed. This issue has been resolved;
* When images were printed using the printer profile specified in
the Color Management panel of the Preferences, the specified printer
profile was only reflected in portions of the printed images. This
issue has been resolved;
* An issue that prevented the opening of images named using 2-byte
characters from File > Open Image... has been resolved;
* When attempting to open images saved to folders with long names,
or images with long file names, an error message was displayed and the
image(s) could not be opened. This issue has been resolved;
* When the file names of images for which 00 was included in the
shooting time were changed with the File Naming options specified
below, the new file names were not applied correctly. This issue has
been resolved:
o None was selected for both Prefix and Suffix
o Sequential Number was changed to Date/Time Shot and the
yymmdd and hhmmss* options were selected
* When multiple images were enhanced and then saved, one at a
time, as separate files with File>Save As... an error message was
displayed while the images were being saved. This issue has been
* When the Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those
I select: option in the Data Execution Prevention panel, opened by
clicking the Settings button in the Advanced panel of the System
Properties dialog, was selected, images could not be saved. This issue
has been resolved. (Windows XP)
* When images processed with batch processing were displayed in
the Browser, black squares were displayed in the corners of
thumbnails. This issue has been resolved. (Windows 2000)
* When the Automatically move pointer to the default button in a
dialog box option was selected in the Pointer Options panel of the
Mouse Properties dialog, clicking on a Control Point cause the mouse
pointer to move unexpectedly. This issue has been resolved;
* An issue that caused a pen tablet being used to suddenly stop
responding has been resolved;
* An issue that caused "@" to be displayed in some menu labels
with Danish operating systems has been resolved;
* An issue that prevented display of grid lines when Show Grid was
selected from the View menu with Korean operating systems has been