DSLR Masa Depan?

Oleh:  pramana sudiro (30467)    18 tahun yang lalu


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The Future High-Speed Imaging World
Starting with their adoption in cellular phones in 2002, Sony’s CMOS sensors for megapixel class camera cellular phones, digital high-definition video cameras, and Digital Single Lens Reflexs (DSLRs) have become widely used in commercial products.
The greatest strength of CMOS sensors is that by including both digital and analog circuits on the same chip, their readout speed can be made dramatically faster than that of CCD.
Sony is now pushing forward with the development of high-speed CMOS sensors for digital cameras that can provide continuous imaging from all pixels at the high frame rate of 60 frame/s. Sony is also developing in parallel a camera digital signal processor (DSP) that can take full advantage of this performance.
Sony is now proposing a new way of enjoying photography in which one photographs and records images without concern for the difference between moving images and still images by using this frame readout of 60 frame/s high-speed CMOS sensor and new camera DSP.
This reality is close at hand. A new digital camera that makes it fun to photograph, fun to look at your photographs and moving images, and fun to show them to people.

High Picture Quality that Captures the Moment
Although image quality improves as you increase the amount of information captured, until now, still image picture quality has been improved by increasing the spatial resolution. However, the amount of information can be increased not only by increasing the spatial resolution, but by increasing the amount of information in the time direction as well.
Picture quality can be greatly increased by increasing this time direction information.
• Multiplane Addition
Recently, the number of users who want to shoot indoors or evening/night scenes cleanly and preferably without flash has been increasing. Thus cameras that boast camera shake correction or high ISO sensitivity have appeared in the market.
These products adopt either camera shake correction functions in the lens or high-sensitivity image sensors.
However, there is another way to achieve camera shake correction and higher sensitivity (higher signal-to-noise ratio).
This method consists of continuous imaging of the entire frame at 60 frame/s, and using this increased amount of information in the time direction to create a single high-quality image. This can be implemented in a total camera system that includes a camera DSP. For example, if someone applies multiplane addition to several images that were captured at 60 frame/s, an image with a signal-to-noise ratio several times better can be acquired. (See figure 3.) Also, a high-speed camera shake correction function can be implemented if images are stacked while applying camera shake correction to each image. (See figure 4.) This function can make it possible to capture bright, camera-shake-free images even without an inlens camera shake correction function even in slightly darker environments where camera shake can easily occur, such as school festivals, children’s plays or presentations, or indoor events.

Re: DSLR Masa Depan?

Oleh:  Fierman Much (10446)    18 tahun yang lalu


wow... :o

Re: DSLR Masa Depan?

Oleh: P. Theodor Sudarja, THEO (2831)    18 tahun yang lalu


mau pesen satu! =P~
nga pake Bayar... ya bang! hehe... :P