Cheat Code Oly DSLR: Cara Melihat Shutter Count, dll

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    19 tahun yang lalu


dari link ini

Disclaimer: jika ada masalah, resiko ditanggung sendiri! ini bukan resmi dari situs oly. Mirip2 cara melihat setting firmware di HP Sony Erricson (kanan-bintang-kiri-kiri-bintang-kiri-bintang)

I've refined the instructions below. Notice that you can jump directly to any of the four pages after pressing the shutter button. You can also jump back and fourth between the pages using the navigation keys. Here are the instructions:

1. Open the CF card door.

2. Turn on the camera On/Off switch.

3. Simultaneously press the [>] (Play) and "OK" buttons. The firmware version of the camera, lens and external flash (if attached) will display.

4. Press the following navigation buttons one-at-a-time in order:
1. Up
2. Down
3. Left
4. Right
5. Press the shutter button all the way.

6. Use the navigation buttons to display the following:
* Up � Page 1
* Right � Page 2
* Down � Page 3
* Left � (not sure) CF card path

Now if someone would correctly interpret the contents of the four display pages it would be great. As previous posts have shown, early interpretations do not seem to be entirely correct. Here is what is listed:

Page 1 (up)
. MU
. MB
. M3
. SL
. L
. F

Page 2 (right)
. R
. S
. M
. U

Page 3 (down)
. CS (camera serial number)

no title (left)
D: ______

Re: Cara Melihat Shutter Count Oly DSLR

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    19 tahun yang lalu


keterangan lain dari link ini

[just forwarding from the olympus mailing list, this isn't mine originally.

 It is, as people have been looking for, a way to count the total number of exposures on your E-1. May work on other bodies, but I don't have those to try].
A. Firmware readout on E-1 [may be the same on all
   E Series bodies]:

   1. Turn the E-1 on
   2. Open the storage media door
   3. Press down the Playback Mode button and OK
      button at the same time

      You will then get the firmware info displayed
      on the LCD monitor.

B. More "internal info" [ALL E series bodies?]:

   There's a neat little trick to know some statistics
   about your E-body:

   1: open the CF card door
   2: press "play" and "ok" at the same time
   3: press the arrows in this order: up; down; left; right
   4: fully depress shutter once
   5: press up arrow, and now there is magic on the screen

      pressing the arrows, you can go through some pages

      a: firmware details of attached goodies
      b: R= shutter release count (with my camera it was
         obviously reset during service), S= flashes
         fired, M= pixel mapping (mapped pixels?), U= SSWF ?

   At your own risk of course...

My notes:

A. Works exactly as stated. Good quick way to check
   firmware updates.
B. Mostly works as stated, some details are left out.
   1. The camera has to be on first (duh).
   2. Steps 2 and 3 need to be accomplished in fairly
      quick succession or you never get off the
      firmware display by subsequent arrow button presses.
   3. Each arrow direction displays a different "page"
a. Pressing UP yields "PAGE 1" which displays
         (on my camera):
         MU 1403
         MB 1005
         M3 1403
         SL 2101
         L 1100
         F ----

      Assuming this is firmware versions, as noted in
      the original message above, I'm guessing that the
      first three have something to do with the body,
      as 1.4 is my firmware version. No idea on "SL".
      "L" appears to be Lens firmware version. I'm
      betting "F" would show the Flash firmware version
      were one to be mounted and powered up.
      b. Pressing RIGHT displays "PAGE 2" which displays:
         R 00009329
         S 00001868
         M 00000002
         U 00002110
         I've nothing to add to the info originally
      c. Pressing DOWN displays "PAGE 3":
         XXXXXXXXX [9 digit number, see below]
         XXXXXXXXXX [10 digit number, see below]
         XXXXXXXXXX [10 digit number, see below]

         CS is definitely the Camera Serial as it
         matches my body's serial number tag (and
         that's why I haven't listed the output).
         MCS and CAMID are ? As you can see above,
         the second line of numbers matches in each
         entry. Additionally, the first line (again,
         not shown as I'm not sure of their meaning)
         of each entry is *almost* identical, with
         only the first number of each being different.
         I'm not sure if they're to be read as one
         continuous number or two, but they're listed
         here as displayed.

      d. Pressing LEFT displays:

         And that's it. No page label, no further data.

Re: Cara Melihat Shutter Count Oly DSLR

Oleh:  Fadjar Hamidi, PapaTITA (22300)    19 tahun yang lalu


panjang bener penjelasannya? :-??
tapi jadi bingung sendiri bila ndak langsung dihadapan kamera. ~X(
nyoba yg ini aja dah nanti, TFS.

just to summarize...
to check shutter count > power on, open the cf door
1. press "play"+"ok" together
2. press the following button in order "up" "down" "left" "right" on the dial
3. fully press the shutter release button
4. press "up" on the dial
press "left" to page 2
R: 00XXXXXX mean shutter release count
S: 00XXXXXX unknown
M: 00XXXXXX pixel map count
U: 00XXXXXX ultrasonic wave count

Re: Cara Melihat Shutter Count Oly DSLR

Oleh:  Yoni Tan (13785)    19 tahun yang lalu


Kalau pake E-1 ternyata kok page 1 sama yah :
MU 1403
MB 1005
M3 1403
SL 2101
L 1100
F ----

Re: Cara Melihat Shutter Count Oly DSLR

Oleh:  Fadjar Hamidi, PapaTITA (22300)    19 tahun yang lalu


bener juga nih infonya
di page 2 ketahuan shutter count ndak terasa udah 5rb sekian,
sementara foto2 yg diupload di FN ndak ada 10biji ... :D

E-300 test mode iso 50, 60, 80, dll

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    19 tahun yang lalu

dari link ini
Disclaimer: resiko ditanggung sendiri!

First you need to get to the diagnostics screens
As others have posted: CF door 'play' and 'ok' button at the same time and then release them

3.then on the 4 button keypad press 'up' 'down' 'left' 'right' press the shutter button and then the 'up' button again.

at this point you should see a screen that says "page 1" and a bunch of other stuff.
Now for the fun stuff (a little unscientific aswell):

1.To get to the Test Mode goto page 3 by pressing the 'iso' button, it should now indicate "page 3"

2. Then press random buttons along with the 'ok' button until the "Test" screen pops up. (you'll know it when it does and it will). Once you have gotten the test screen to pop up once all you need to do is press "ok" and you will go back to it. (click the flash, wb, file , delete, info and all the play, menu, +/- , af, iso, metering, shutter button and get back to iso button and then press ok.. try this a few times using random combinations... bottom line is that before you press ok you should press the iso button so that you can be on page 3.)

So far I have found that I can get the camera into iso=50, 60, 80, 125, 160, 250, 320, 500, and 640. and when you close the CF door those setting are retained until you change the iso value you can even turn the camera off and it will stay.

To get ISO 50 for example scroll to 'prg 10' and then press 'ok' it will flash on the screen and then shut the CF door and viola usable ISO 50 until you change iso. To get other iso values goto 'prg 10' and then just go over to item and change that value to 1=iso60,2=iso80 and so on.

Obviously this is not what you would want to be doing while out taking pictures but if a situation calls for a very low ISO there ya go :)

There are a lot of other things in there (most do nothing) but there is a complete reset by holding certain buttons but who knows how much of a reset "full reset" is so i wont provide that one.
E-300 test mode iso 50, 60, 80, dll

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    19 tahun yang lalu


After many button press combos (very boring) I found that I can get to "test mode" by pressing:

1.exposure compensation, then AF, then ISO, and then the shutter and ok button at the same time.
If that doesnt work then try

2. Exposure compensation, metering, then ISO, then shutter and ok buttons at the same time.

My camera seems to switch between these two but one or the other always works. Tried about 30 times without noticing a very good pattern soo but at most it should take 2 tries so that is good enough for me.

Re: Cara Melihat Shutter Count Oly DSLR

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    19 tahun yang lalu

E-330 test mode iso 50

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    19 tahun yang lalu


It works for the E-330 too. To get into the Test Menu, I have to press Menu + OK instead of Play + OK.
Re: Cheat Code Oly DSLR: Cara Melihat Shutter Count, dll

Oleh:  Andi Hermawan (12991)    19 tahun yang lalu


Wah ,informasi yg berguna pak radix....

terima kasih...