Oleh: Imp. Winartho, WIN (1767) 19 tahun yang lalu
Kakak-kakak senior semuanya, bisa bantu kasih masukan gak ttg bagaimana caranya membuat logo atau simbul atau huruf-huruf transparant diatas foto, menggunakan adobe photoshop (any series, khususnya cs2). Ini saya perlukan guna menghindari pencurian foto2 di internet. Kasus yang sering saya alami, kita sudah susah-susah invest untuk equipment yang tidak murah, susah-susah belajar fotografi dan digital imaging agar foto bisa tampak bagus, susah-susah rezising, adjust ini itu. eh setelah di upload.... orang (khususnya pesaing bisnis) enak2 aja meraka capture screen (prt src) gambar itu, dan mereka gunakan sbg bahan presentasi untuk produk/property yang sama. Jengkel gak sih? Jengkelnya karena: 1. tindak pencurian itu sendiri ilegal (sebetulnya) 2. exclusivitas yang ingin kita tampilkan ke klien menjadi hilang karena ternyata banyak vendor menyajikan dengan cara yang sama setelah mereka mencuri. Semoga professional semua bisa memberi masukan. Terima kasih. Salam fotografi!
istilah lainnya "watermark" kali ya....
Oleh: Amril Nuryan, momoclax (48371) 19 tahun yang lalu
langsung aja ketik nama atau pasang logo di atas foto kemudian opacitynya di geser hingga 20-30% Tapi kalau ingin memberikan watermark ke banyak foto, anda bisa menggunakan software khusus, banyak koq di internet, cari aja di google dengan keyword image watermark atau watermark software.
Oleh: Sueswit N April (44573) 19 tahun yang lalu
Klo dah kebukti poto Anda diambil/pake orang lain tanpa ijin, palagi untuk kepentingan komersial, langsung sikat aja Mas...! kesempatan tuh ;)) watermark juga gak sepenuhnya aman kok olah digital hari gini dah bisa explore bikin lenyap watermark
Oleh: Nufransa Wira Sakti , Frans (19637) 19 tahun yang lalu
Mas Win, ini saya kutipkan dari sebuah e-book yg link nya ada di forum, cuma sayangnya udah saya cari2 lagi forumnya gak ketemu2, linknya lupa , cuma ada filenya yg 64MB Intinya, copyright bisa dibikin di dalam gambar dan juga di dalam format file nya sendiri, dan dgn mengggunakan action, logo copyright yg kita buat bisa sekaligus diaplikasikan ke beberapa file kita Semoga bermanfaat Ini kutipannya: Step One First, we'll tackle the see-through water-mark: Open the image for watermarking. Choose the Custom Shape tool from the Toolbox (or just press Shift-U until you have the tool). Step Two Once you have the Custom Shape tool, go up to the Options Bar and click on the thumbnail to the right of the word "Shape" to bring up the Custom Shape Picker. Choose the Copyright symbol, which is included in the default set of the Custom Shape library. Step Three Create a new blank layer by clicking on the Create a New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers palette. Press the letter D to set your Foreground color to black. Now, press-and-hold the Shift key and click-and-drag the Copyright symbol over your photo (use your own judgment as to size and placement, but the Shift key will ensure the symbol remains in proportion). Note: If you end up with a Shape layer or a path, look in the Options Bar to make sure that you have Fill Pixels selected (it's the third icon from the left in the first group of icons) before you draw the Copyright symbol. Step Four Go under the Filter menu, under Stylize, and choose Emboss. Apply the Emboss filter set at Angle 135°, Height 3 pixels, and Amount 100% (you can increase the Height setting to 5 pixels if you want the effect to be more pronounced), and then click OK. Step Five To smooth the edges of the Copyright symbol, go to the Layers palette, turn on Lock Transparent Pixels (it's the first icon from the left in the Lock section at the top of the palette), and then go under Filter, under Blur, and add a 2- or 3-pixel Gaussian Blur. Step Six Go to the Layers palette and change the layer blend mode of this Copyright symbol layer from Normal to Hard Light, which makes the watermark transparent. Step Seven Press T to switch to the Type tool, click on your document where you want your studio name to appear, and then enter the name of your studio. (Note: Highlight your type with the Type tool and choose the Character palette from the Window menu to set your type if needed.) Once your type is set, press Enter. Step Eight You're going to apply the same filter to your type that you applied to the Copyright logo. But to apply a filter to type, you first have to convert your Type layer into a regular Photoshop image layer by Control-clicking (PC: Right-clicking) on the Type layer (in the Layers palette) and choosing Rasterize Type from the resulting contextual menu. Step Nine Apply the Emboss filter to your rasterized text layer (using the same settings you used in Step 4). Then, change the layer blend mode from Normal to Hard Light to make the text transparent, and lower the Opacity of both of these layers to around 40% so the watermark isn't overwhelming. That completes the first part of this two-part technique. The next part is embedding the copyright info into the file. Step Ten To embed the copyright, go under the File menu and choose File Info to bring up the File Info dialog. This is where you enter information that you want embedded into the file itself. This embedding of info is supported by all Macintosh file formats (except GIF), but on Windows only the major file formats are supported, such as TIFF, JPEG, EPS, PDF, and Photoshop's native PSD. Step Eleven In the File Info dialog, change the Copyright Status pop-up menu to Copyrighted. In the Copyright Notice field, enter your personal copyright info, and then under Copyright Info URL, enter your full Web address. That way, when clients open your file in Photoshop, they can go to File Info, click on the Go To URL button, and then their Web browser will launch, taking them directly to your website. Click OK and the info is embedded into the file. Step Twelve Once copyright info has been added to a file, Photoshop automatically puts a copyright symbol before the file's name, which appears in the photo's title bar. It also adds the symbol in the Info Bar at the bottom left of the document window. Now, flatten the image by choosing Flatten Image from the Layers palette's flyout menu. Step Thirteen You can automate the entire process with the press of a button or two. Start by opening a new photo, then go to the Actions palette (found under the Window menu) and click on the Create New Action icon at the bottom of the palette. When the New Action dialog appears, name the action and choose the Function key (F-key) that you want to use to apply the action. (Note: I added the Command key to my F-key shortcut, but you can really choose any F-key with or without a modifying key.) Step Fourteen Click on the Record button, and then repeat the whole process of adding the Copyright symbol and File Info, starting at Step 1 and ending at Step 11 (we stop at Step 11 because you may want to reposition your watermark on your other images; otherwise, go ahead and include Step 12 to flatten your image). As you do, Photoshop will record all your steps. (I know, you're thinking, "Shouldn't you have told me this in Step 1?" Probably, but it wouldn't be as much fun as telling you now.) Step Fifteen When you're done, click on the Stop icon (it looks like a tiny square) at the bottom of the Actions palette. You can close the Actions palette now, because you can apply the watermark, studio name, and copyright info just by pressing the F-key shortcut you chose in the New Action dialog. Step Sixteen If you want to apply this action to a whole folder full of photos, just go under the File menu, under Automate, and choose Batch to bring up the Batch dialog (or from the Adobe Bridge, go under Tools, under Photoshop, and choose Batch). This command lets you pick one action and automatically apply it to multiple photos. In the Play section (at the top), for Action, choose your action's name. Under Source, choose Folder from the pop-up menu and click on the Choose button, navigate to your folder full of photos, then under Destination choose Save and Close. This will apply the watermark, studio name, and copyright info to your images, and then save and close the documents. If you want to save them to a different folder, or rename them, choose Folder under the Destination section.
Oleh: Judhi Prasetyo. (38908) 19 tahun yang lalu
Ujung-ujungnya: terjemahin donk.. :D
Mas Amril dan Mas Nufransa, Terima kasih untuk tips nya. very useful! khususnya 13 step dg PS. sangat efektif. Pakai software autowatermak spt yg disarankan Mas Sueswit udah ada yang saya coba (picture-shark 1.0, free) emang enak karena sangat gampang penggunaannya khususnya untuk folder dg banyak image. otomatis hanya dengan satu klik saja. Tetapi ya itu.. namanya otomatis, asal tempel aja. gak peduli cocok ama tone, komposisi, etc. Gimanapun customize watermark di ps yg terbaik. Sekali lagi, thanks. GBU all!
Oleh: Rakhmat Hidayat, aAt (79642) 19 tahun yang lalu
jd tau nih cara bikin watermark
Oleh: Fredy Wijaya, prt (28120) 19 tahun yang lalu
waduh waduh gara gara mas FRANS, gw jadi inget inget jaman dulu lagunya New Kids On The Block deh yg...."STEP BY STEP...ooohhh baby...gonna get to you girl ......" hehee....
Oleh: Siryogi Ansyah FM (14897) 18 tahun yang lalu
Masih bingung ... bahasa planet sih ... ;)) Bisa-bisa lebih bingung nerjemahin dibanding belajar PSnya :p
Oleh: Adi Y Sitompul, mbh (18388) 18 tahun yang lalu
iya nih saya juga bingung...he he he, aseli Indo soalnya....;)) Prt :...."STEP BY STEP...ooohhh baby...gonna get to you girl ......" onok2 ae kampret iki...aq ga iso mbayangno lek awakmu seng nyanyi...hua ha ha ha=))
Oleh: Erickson Hutabarat (11051) 18 tahun yang lalu
Kalo boleh saya mencoba translate postingan bung Nufransa Wira Sakti , Frans agar teman² bisa lebih mudah mengerti Maaf jika ada kesalahan ya ^_^ :D
Oleh: Senja Lazuardy (19877) 18 tahun yang lalu
Ngga perlu repot2 bikin watermark pake cara yang begitu panjang koq boss.. cukup sekali klik salah satu styles pada panel styles aja, di situ tersedia style yang bisa di buat utk membuat watermark.. :D