ini petik isu I love the speculation. From my sources deep inside the Canon research lab I found out that the 1Dx series replacement won’t be announced until Febuary of 2007. It will be called the Canon D. It will have a full frame sensor based on equilateral triangle pixels arranged into hexagons. This will allow for 28 - 30 Mega Pixel range but will require special image editing software to fully utilize. Sensors will be based on CYMK vice RGB. This combined with the hexagonal pattern will improve color space and allow wider gamut. Additionally, advanced sensor circuits and digic III processing will allow for patterned de-rating of about half the pixels to greatly expand dynamic range at the cost of about half a stop of sensitivity. Max frame rate will be about 7 FPS. The delay in the release date gives em time to pull all this off. The 3D will be a more traditional camera released as a stop-gap in late 2006 with 22MP FF and 5 FPS in a 5D sized body, but sealed up like the 1 series. ini link aslinya
waduh.....gambaran singkat spesifikasinya dahsyat banget.....^:)^ ^:)^
sedahsyat harganya kali ...ngeri ah :-SS
1Ds aja konon seharga 1 unit RSS....pengganti 1Ds seharga ??? :-/
masih ada waktu sampe 2007 buat nabung ahhh...
tapi 5D aja belon kebeli, gimana nih? :-?
sensor CMYK :-?
rasanya kok agak kurang logis sensor CMYK :)