D2X Firmware Update 1.01

Oleh: Sanny N H (514)    18 tahun yang lalu

Issues addressed with D2X Firmware Ver. 1.01... Autofocus performance has been increased. An issue that prevented the AF-assist illuminator from firing when the Speedlights listed below were used has been corrected. SB-29S, SB-29, SB-23, SB-22S, SB-22, SB-20. In images captured at a shutter speed of 1/250 s with a Speedlight SB-800, set to Distance-priority manual flash (GN), or Manual flash (M) with flash output set to full (M1/1) mounted on the camera, the top portion was often dark. This issue has been addressed. However, under the circumstances described above only, the guide number is reduced from that of full flash output level by approximately 0.6 EV. Images captured at white-balance settings of Incandescent, Direct sunlight, Cloudy, Shade, and Choose color temp. tended to have a reddish tint. This issue has been addressed. Errors in Dutch menus have been corrected
Apakah ini jawaban supaya D2X tetap laku setelah ada D200?
Re: D2X Firmware Update 1.01

Oleh:  Briano Kawenang (7277)    18 tahun yang lalu


Mungkin saja om sanny...
karena memang D200 nggak beda jauh ama D2x dengan harga setengahnya...

Re: D2X Firmware Update 1.01

Oleh:  D. Chen (45239)    18 tahun yang lalu


Meminjam istilahnya Wiwin: Syukurlah.... :D

Re: D2X Firmware Update 1.01

Oleh: Sanny N H (514)    18 tahun yang lalu


Mas Dimas, D200 focusing screennya fixed, focusing systemnya mustinya dibawah D2X jauh (Multicam 2000 lawan 1000)

Re: D2X Firmware Update 1.01

Oleh:  Yunardho F (24843)    18 tahun yang lalu


D200 ato D2x sama2 gak terbeli :((

Re: D2X Firmware Update 1.01

Oleh:  Yadi Yasin (116383)    18 tahun yang lalu


Welcome to digital ;))