Buat yang S2 Pro nya ex USA =)
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Fuji Site
FUJI PHOTO FILM U.S.A., INC. announces that some of the FinePix S2 Pro digital camera models may develop a problem with the CCD imaging sensor. During a certain period in the production process, there was a lack of uniformity in the quality of the CCD. It was determined that this problem may happen due to a combination of CCD quality and usage/storage conditions or age deterioration. However, the problem affects a limited number of units and may not occur in all cameras.
The symptom is captured images that appear completely black, have a purplish cast or multi- colored distortions. The following list of serial numbers may be affected:
Model Serial Number Range:
FinePix S2 Pro 31A127**~31A143**
Serial numbers are found on the bottom of the camera.
If your camera serial number is on the list and experiences the symptoms described above and has no other additional damage/malfunction, FUJI PHOTO FILM U.S.A., INC. will repair your camera at no charge, even if your standard one-year limited warranty has expired. If your camera is beyond the standard one year, limited warranty period, you will receive a written estimate for any additional damages or malfunctions not listed in this Service Advisory.
This announcement is issued by FUJI PHOTO FILM U.S.A., INC. and is limited to only those Fujifilm products imported to the U.S.A. by FUJI PHOTO FILM U.S.A., INC. and sold by FUJI PHOTO FILM U.S.A., INC. to authorized dealers.