D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Herlambang, BN (8204)    18 tahun yang lalu


Dari Nikon Europe : D70 service advisory

Dari Nikon USA :

Nikon USA : SLR service advisories D2H, D70, N55

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. My camera has not presented the symptoms described in this service advisory. Have the pictures I have taken been affected in any way by the issues of this advisory?
A: No. Q. My camera has not presented any of the symptoms identified in this service advisory. May I send it to Nikon for evaluation?
A. There are a number of variables that can affect when and to what extent the actual operation of potentially affected cameras may become noticeable. If your camera has not shown signs of inoperability, you may continue using it.
Q. If I send my camera to Nikon for service, when will it be returned to me?
A. Nikon will require 5 working days to evaluate and complete the repair on your camera. This does not include the time required for return shipping.
Q. Can I take my camera to a local independent camera service facility to have this work performed?
A. No. The work related to this advisory must be performed by Nikon Inc.
Q. I have already experienced problems identified in this advisory and sent my camera to Nikon Inc. for repair. Because my camera's limited warranty had expired, I was charged for the repairs. Am I entitled to a refund for those charges?
A. Please provide Nikon with a copy of the Nikon Inc. repair receipt associated to the previous repair. Your repair receipt copy must include your camera model and serial number.

Send it to:
Nikon Inc. Repair Accounts Receivable Department 1300 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747-3064
Be sure to include a cover note that provides us with your return address, phone and-email contact information. For additional information, call Nikon Service Relations at 800-645-6678.

Nikon Asia kapan ya? =)
Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Andri Irawan, Billitone (72159)    18 tahun yang lalu

Nikon Singapore udah tuh.
Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Rony Zakaria (12972)    18 tahun yang lalu


maksudnya apa sih?
what kind of symtoms?

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Herlambang, BN (8204)    18 tahun yang lalu


D70 : BGLOD [ Blinking Green LED of death]
D2H : meter mati
F55 : AF mati

klik aja .. lebih jelas infonya disana :)

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Yadi Yasin (116383)    18 tahun yang lalu


Bukannya tinggal di servis aja... ini kata kak Wiwin loh .... bingung nih katanya servis nya disni bagus :-?

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  D. Chen (45239)    18 tahun yang lalu


hmmmm... :-?

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Risagarniwa.Y.Y, Yoris (43421)    18 tahun yang lalu


Service NIKON ?

Bukannya tinggal nyediain ampelas sama gergaji? B-)

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  D. Setiadi (81319)    18 tahun yang lalu


Canon emang care ya...servis aja bisa beda-beda hargnya..:x

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Senja Lazuardy (19877)    18 tahun yang lalu


Hore.. akhirnya pengguna Nikon D70 mendapat JAMINAN (FREE of CHARGE) Nikon Services dari serangan BLOD (Blinking LED of Death) walaupun GARANSINYA SUDAH HABIS.. =D> =D>

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Z. Damar Twiditra, Ditra (91884)    18 tahun yang lalu


Nikon Baik ya, Canon juga Baik :O

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Guewin_WY ( Wiwin Yulius ) (103497)    18 tahun yang lalu


Hm,.. YY Yoris, YY Yasin, ama YY Chen ... ada apa sih :)

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  masbaz (39152)    18 tahun yang lalu


ada lagi... Wiwin YY ;))

D70 saya juga masih di service centre mangdu tuh 8->

Re: D2H , D70 or F55 user ? baca thread ini

Oleh:  Ahmad Syafiq, Syafiq (39799)    18 tahun yang lalu


Akhirnya..Nikon "mengakui" juga masalah ini, semoga layanannya oke, dan terutama semoga D70 saya tetep baik-baik saja dan tidak terkena "rare" situation tsb di atas..