Sensor kecil untuk DSLR masa depan?

Oleh:  Muhammad Baja Aksha (6711)    19 tahun yang lalu


Ada artikel menarik mengenai prediksi DSLR masa depan:


When Canon brought out the full frame 1Ds, and at around the same time Kodak released the 14n, it seemed to me that so-called reduced frame DSLRs, those using roughly 1.5X factor sensors (APS C size for the sake of convenience), were not going to last long. I believed that it was just a matter of time until the price of so-called full-frame (24X36mm) sensors would come down to the point that DSLRs would not need to have smaller sensors. Similarly, I saw the 4/3rd format with its 2X factor as not making much sense once larger sensors dropped in price.

Then, manufacturers started releasing so-called "digital" lenses – ones whose image circle only needed to cover the smaller size of APS-C sized sensors. A big motivation for this, and something that helped cement the future of reduced frame, was that these lenses once again provided wide angle and ultra-wide angle coverage – an area where reduced frame sensor cameras had a vulnerability at the time.

I thought at the time that buying these lenses was shortsighted, because photographers would end up not being able to use these lenses on their film camera bodies, and eventually full-frame DSLRs.

Well, film has disappeared from the scene a lot faster than anyone would have forecast, and reduced coverage lenses have blossomed. Now more than two years have passed, and the new 1Ds MKII has more pixels, but the price has stayed pretty firm. The Kodak 14n has morphed into the Pro N and C, but not captured much market share, even with its lower price.

Now, almost all of the major camera makers have started to release these smaller coverage lenses, including the third party lens makers. What at first seemed to be just a means of produced wide-angle lenses for reduced frame cameras has turned into a mainstream direction. Along with it we are seeing high pixel count cameras, like the 8MP Canon 20D and now Rebel XT/350, which provide photographers with imagers with enough resolution to make A3 or larger sized prints of extremely high quality. Few amateur photographers need much more than this.

So, it seems that the need for full-frame is not as great as it was, and that reduced frame is meeting the needs of many photographers, especially now that wide-angle issues limitations are no longer what they once were.

With this in mind, I now increasingly believe that 1.5X or so cameras are the new 35mm, and that 24X36mm digital is going to remain an expensive niche market for pros and perfectionists – much as medium format used to be with film. As for medium format digital – it will continue to have its niche too, just above full frame 35mm in the digital hierarchy. It would appear though, contrary to what I believed as recently as a year ago, that APS-C sized sensor cameras have now become the industry's mainstream, and will likely remain so for the near future
Nah, sekarang... EF-s 10-22/3.5-4.5 atau EF 17-40/4L? Hehehe. ;)
Re: Sensor kecil untuk DSLR masa depan?

Oleh:  D. Setiadi (81319)    19 tahun yang lalu


Lah...buntutnya kok jadi nanya lensa?

Re: Sensor kecil untuk DSLR masa depan?

Oleh:  Muhammad Baja Aksha (6711)    19 tahun yang lalu


hehe. karena dari artikel itu memang buntut2nya akan membawa gimana kita memilih lensa. menurut saya lho. oh ya, pertanyaan lensa tidak usah dibahas. itu OOT dari forum ini. ;) *eh post-nya ternyata sudah dipindah*... TQ.

Re: Sensor kecil untuk DSLR masa depan?

Oleh:  Yano (15849)    19 tahun yang lalu


setuju.................lho kok kaya dpr ya............tapi gua setuju dengan factor crop 1.5 hehehhehhehe lha wong arsenal lensa saya udah mendukung......................