Oleh: Sebastian Song (1814) 20 tahun yang lalu
Modern science has allowed Man to travel underground in metal tubes, captialising the use of surface land for construction. From artificial lighting to air conditioning, we have grown accustomed to an otherwise uninhabitable underworld. We live in an unreal world. The MTR of Hong Kong is no exception. An estimated 2.3 million people commute daily on its five lines. 2.3 million lives... 2.3 million stories... Hong Kong Subway
Oleh: masbaz (39152) 20 tahun yang lalu
good street shot, sebastian. not that much different from MRT, eh? I like the way your photo potrays the 'void' one experience when commute in a subway train. They're physically present, but their minds are 'over there'One piece of advise: put some of the photos in this thread as a teaser. You'll probably get more hits that way.Regards,Sebastian
Hi Sebastian glad you liked the photos I feel the pulse of life is stronger in HK than Singapore or maybe I am just to caught up in everyday life to notice it. will take up your advice of including photos... thank you... 8)
Oleh: Guewin_WY ( Wiwin Yulius ) (103497) 20 tahun yang lalu
Iya Mas Song,... kasih 1 foto dong di thread ini:D ... No 15, Hmmm like it Sebastian 'n Sebastian :))
Oleh: Pujo Rahmanto, Pudz (59699) 20 tahun yang lalu
yang nomer 7, 21 dan 22.. menarik sekali :D
Oleh: Yadi Primayadi (29225) 20 tahun yang lalu
Yap, Interesting fotos u got there... :)
it's encouraging me,..
THank you Wiwin, Pujo, and Yadi I am glad that there are others take some joy in the photos I took. Hong Kong was overwhelming with life and within such close encounters, I found it suffocating and ironically very liberating for the spirits. Do pay Hong Kong a visit, its a beautiful city... if anyone needs information, you could consult the tourist website or drop me an email... Discover Hong Kong
Oleh: Judhi Prasetyo. (38908) 20 tahun yang lalu
I found that HK MTR (subway) stations and trains are generally dimmer than those in Singapore. I took some pictures using my Canon A80 but none up to my satisfaction. Anyway, I love this picture very much. Really shows how is the real Hong Kong :)
Yes Song,.. like Busway in Jakarta ... :D