Olympus mengejar posisi kedua di pasar DSLR Australia

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    20 tahun yang lalu


ada potongan berita menarik dari down under... oly berusaha mengejar posisi kedua di pasar DSLR australia. Wah, sebegitu seriusnya kah mereka? apakah sanggup? lalu siapa yang berusaha mereka geser, C atau N? :D

Lalu bagaimana dg disini? lah kok tim marketingnya oly indo ga kedengeran sama sekali ya :))

Berikut potongan beritanya:
17 January 2005

Olympus vying for second position in DSLR market

Olympus Imaging Australia forecasts that the Australian Digital SLR (DSLR) market for 2005 will be 100,000 units, a value of $100M and double the forecast for 2004. Olympus is aggressively pursuing the top 2 position in the Australian DSLR market through a 20 per cent market share target by the end of 2005.

Following the successful launch of the consumer level E-300 DSLR camera in Australia, Olympus is one of the top 3 brands in the DSLR category having reached 14% market share in December 2004 (Informark).

The E-300 in Japan has enjoyed great success, in its first month of sales in December 2004 it acquired 13 per cent of the market, making it the second best selling model in December 2004.

"Our aim is to aggressively continue our growth in the DSLR category by investing heavily in our E-series range. 2005 will see Olympus building on the success of the E-1 and E-300 cameras with the launch of several new DSLR bodies and seven more digital lenses," said Austin Kazami, Olympus DSLR Product Manager.

With 100 per cent Digital design, all Zuiko Digital lenses are designed specifically for a digital SLR body to fully realise the potential of digital photography. The E-300 captures beautiful and precision images even in wide angle, one of the weaknesses of other DSLR cameras. Olympus now has nine Digital lenses designed specifically for digital, the widest digital lens line up in the market today.

Olympus holds the key to the dust issue that has been seriously impeding the growth of the DSLR market. Many professionals and pro-consumers struggle with dust contamination on the CCD, but Olympus have developed the only solution to the problem through the exclusive Supersonic Wave Filter.

The Supersonic Wave Filter is mounted between the shutter and the low pass filter on the front of the CCD. When activated, ultrasound vibrates the filter at over 35,000Hz, instantly removing any dust and particulate matter on the CCD. This technology saves the user on maintenance fees, camera down time during maintenance and painful retouching time.

Currently Olympus offers two different types of DSLR bodies with the widest digital lens line-up on the market. The range includes the professional E-1 and the consumer level DSLR for enthusiasts, the E-300. The E-1 is designed to match the tough environments, high speed and high performance demanded by professionals.

The E-300 is the first 100 per cent consumer-oriented camera from Olympus under the open-standard Four Thirds system. The E-300 is a camera designed to make the unique benefits of interchangeable lens type digital SLR photography easy even for first-time digital SLR users to enjoy.

The E-300 launched at Christmas 2004 and is available from all good quality photographic retailers at an RRP of $1,999. It includes the body, 14-45 mm lens, extra battery and battery holder.

Re: Olympus mengejar posisi kedua di pasar DSLR Australia

Oleh:  D. Setiadi (81319)    20 tahun yang lalu


Kirain udah mau Olympic lagi...ternyata bukan...:">

Re: Olympus mengejar posisi kedua di pasar DSLR Australia

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    20 tahun yang lalu


kak DS inget iklan ini yah...
"pic... pic... olympiiiiiiiic!"
*pake gaya Djadja Mihardja*.... "apaan tuh?!!!!!*

oh iya, ini ada gosip juga di forum tetangga mengenai lensa2 zoom yg bakal segera dikeluarin oly... tapi jangan dianggap bener dulu, siapa tau ini cuman impian fans-nya oly aja :D
14-35mm F2.0 (eq 28-70mm)
35-100mm F2.0 (eq 70-200mm)
90-250mm F2.8 (eq 180-500mm)
tapi gosip ini bukan ga ada dasarnya, mungkin bisa dilihat ZUIKO DIGITAL Interchangeable Lens Roadmap (PDF:131KB) yang ada di halaman ini

nah gabungkan dg berita di atas
" 2005 will see Olympus building on the success of the E-1 and E-300 cameras with the launch of several new DSLR bodies and seven more digital lenses," said Austin Kazami, Olympus DSLR Product Manager
maka timbul spekulasi kalau tahun ini bakal keluar body oly yg lumayan hebat spek-nya. Soalnya kebayang kan, lensa2 di atas itu kan kayanya buat orang2 immortal! Rasanya ga mungkin kalo buat dipasangin di E-300 :)) Jadi kita tunggu aja, kayanya PMA pebruari ini bisa jadi menarik...