Mohon informasinya apa itu OMNI BOUNCE? (yang saya tahu sejenis light diffuser utk flash, tp masih kurang jelas....). Jika di pakai dengan kombinasi Flash 420EX dan EOS 300D, apakah flashnya selalu harus di kompensasi over (300D saya firmwarenya sudah diisi dgn WASIA, jadi flashnya sudah bisa di kompensasi).
Bagaimana dengan hasilnya? Apakah bisa menghilangkan bayangan yg suka terjadi jika kita memotret dengan direct flash? Kira2 kalau dipakai untuk memotret setengah badan, bagaimana hasilnya jika dibandingkan dengan memakai softbox?
Ada yg tahu bisa beli dimana dan kira2 brp harganya?
Saya juga pernah melihat orang memotret dengan sejenis "softbox kecil" yang dipasang di flashnya, apa bedanya "softbox kecil" ini dengan "omni-bounce", terutama dari hasil fotonya? Apa namanya dan bisa beli dimana?
Trima kasih atas infonya....
fungsi nya untuk menghilangkan bayangan(meminimalkan) 'ya', untuk meng'even' kan coverage light 'ya'.....untuk pengganti soft box....'ya' kalo soft boxnya satu...kalo softboxnya banyak...ya butuh banyak flash....heh he he he....sekedar imho aja....harus dikompensasi....hmm kayaknya udah ETTL...nggak usah seh....ya tapi kalo mau nambah terang dikit ya boleh.....(pernah baca di web, omnibounce(stofen) ngurangin jarak efektif jadi 2.5 kali lebih kecil) maksudnya jika jarak 10 meter, ya jadi cuman 4 meter...sekali lagi IMHO...kalo salah tolong dibenerin :P
Johnson dan Johnson Flash Diffuser
My wife threw out an empty Johnson and Johnson 15oz (425g) white plastic Talcum powder jar this morning. On a hunch, I cut it about 2 1/2" from the bottom of the jar, made a couple of slices with my sizzors on the corners and found that it fits very nicely on my 550ex. It actually looks pretty professional except for the blue wording "Johnson and Johnson" and bar code printing which resides on top and bottom of the "defuser", which nobody would normally see and which could be removed. It isn't the quality of my Stoffen Omibounce, but so far the pictures seem to be just as good. I haven't tested this extensively yet and I am not sure just how to test it or what to test (although someone suggested to check the white balance carefully).
The point is, if you want to try a defuser of this type without spending the money on a Stoffen Omnibounce, or if you just happen to have one of these empty talcum bottles laying around, it doesn't hurt to check it out. What if, for instance, you are out in the field and do not have your Omnibounce. This might work just as well as a temporary trick.
Setau gue gak perlu dikompensasi deh, karena kameranya khan ngecek meternya dari flash yg dipakein omni bounce. Setau gue lagi urutannya flash nyala bareng dengan diceknya meter (sepersekian detik) trus baru deh si kamera ngambil gambar.
Yes u right Mr. Mediarto. That is the way how EX flash work. And this program will more effective if the technology on the camera already support for that. Mostly canon digital camera already has that.