D-SLR and Nikon Speedlight Compatibility Chart

Oleh:  pramana sudiro (30467)    20 tahun yang lalu


saya ambil dari nikon usa, barangkali berguna :)

Which modes do Nikon Speedlights work on with Nikon Digital SLR cameras?

Nikon makes a large number of cameras, external Speedlights and accessories.
It can sometimes be difficult to know which products will work together and under what circumstances.
The chart below shows which modes a Nikon D-SLR cameras and Speedlights will work together in.

This information applies to D1-series and D100 cameras, except where noted for the D2H and D70.
The green colored squares indicate what mode the camera and flash will work in.

The D70 requires an iTTL flash unit and can be used with older flashes in their "A" mode, but requires an iTTL flash for TTL.
The SB-30 and SB50DX can act as an infrared remote commander for other wireless off-camera Speedlights.

Re: D-SLR and Nikon Speedlight Compatibility Chart

Oleh:  Aldo Sompie (4937)    20 tahun yang lalu


makasih mas infonya.. jadi tambah sayang sama sb-800 :)