Oleh: Edward Ng (71) 20 tahun yang lalu
For 3 days I and Mr. Atan Chua had privilege to visit Alaska and document the famous brown bear. During the early month of September, sockeye salmons are spawning through out the rivers at Katmai National Park and many parts of the state. As a source of high protein and preparation for winter, these bears are feeding on the salmons. They are excellent fishermen. They don't feed on dead salmons. They would rather feed on freshly caught salmons. We are lucky to see them roaming wild and free. We had two unexpected close encounters. Fortunately, on both occasions nothing happened to us. Brown bears are slightly different from grizzly. The brown bears are slightly larger. The mature full grown males are very intimidating while bear cubs are unbelievably cute. Mother bears are passionate to their cubs and the most dangerous. Please see my work on my website. I just added new section : WILDLIFE. I am still working on Mule Deer and Roosevelt Elk series. http://www.edwardng.net many thanks, Edward Seattle, WA
Oleh: D. Setiadi (81319) 20 tahun yang lalu
Bears kesukaan saya...sayang gak ada Polar bears...:((Thx for sharing.
motoin polar bears enggak gampang dude. selain geographically daerahnya dingin, perlu lensa yg panjang juga. untuk sekarang gue belom mampu deh finacially..hehehehe...let's see next year. :)
Oleh: masbaz (39152) 20 tahun yang lalu
Lucu juga... yang sering diliat kan grizzly bear, yang ini lebih serem ya... thx
Oleh: Yadi Yasin (116383) 20 tahun yang lalu
THx for sharing ... great photos!
Oleh: Fadil Aziz (7946) 20 tahun yang lalu
Great photos of brown bear. Pakai lensa berapa mm ? Motret polar bear biasanya di Churchill, Manitoba, dari tundra buggy, one of my dream :)
Oleh: Hani AE (28017) 20 tahun yang lalu
All of the pict were great. thx for sharing.
Oleh: Wicak Soegijoko (1560) 20 tahun yang lalu
cakep man.... meski telat.
Oleh: martinus dimas (11) 19 tahun yang lalu
ciamik boss