Oleh: iing Gunawan, sidoel (27236) 20 tahun yang lalu
tadi sore ada orang chicago udah dapet EOS 20d. dia ambil dari dealer photo die. ini ada contoh gambarnye :p member Fn ada yang rencana mao beli?
Oleh: D. Setiadi (81319) 20 tahun yang lalu
Dapet? :ONgambil dari dealer? :O
udah available maksud gue djay :p gua expect 2-3 hari lagi yang pada mesen online udah pada sampe rumahnye
Oleh: Pinky Mirror (6382) 20 tahun yang lalu
Bukannya Iing mo upgrade ke 20D sebelum tukar lagi ke mkii ? Kalau melihat performance loe, rasanya 300D udah pantas diupgrade :)
Ya ing...elu gak produktif lagi kok? ( gak upload ) :-?Embat aja 20D. 300D bentar lagi ada penggantinya....;)
Oleh: Irwansyah S (52460) 20 tahun yang lalu
Kalau Canon, kemarin ngumumkan ada kamera baru, maka seminggu kemudian akan langsung nongol di toko. Yang belum punya DSLR, berbahagialah. Harga turun terus karenanya.
Oleh: Dedy P Putra (5942) 20 tahun yang lalu
ing: ngak ada keterangan pakai lensa apa ya???.
Lensanya EF85mm dari exif.
Oleh: Charles H. Hadi, Jade (13203) 20 tahun yang lalu
Harganya official berapa nih ?
Oleh: Judhi Prasetyo. (38908) 20 tahun yang lalu
Tadi siang gua jalan2 ke Alan Photo, salah satu toko favorit fotografer Singapore. Katanya sih 2 minggu lagi. Padahal tanya di Cathay Photo (agen resmi Canon) dia bilang baru pertengahan Oktober. Itupun daftar antriannya puanjaaang.
Harga Officialnya $1499 ( body only) or $1599 with 18-55 lens. bang irwansyah nga jadi upgrade? :p
$1499 mah sama persis kaya 10D yah ... hmmm asik juga tuh. Tapi lagi nabung buat beli lensa2 dulu hehehe
Sekarang harga 10D ( Belanda ) cuma 1150 €. Sebulan yang lalu masih 1500 €. Yang 2nd aja semakin banyak. Bahkan ada yang umurnya baru 3 minggu udah dijual....;;)
Oleh: Eko Budhi Harsono (412) 20 tahun yang lalu
Wah... di jakarta masih lama sampenya.. pertengahan oktober katanya tuh... garansi datascript.. tau yang bm.. mungkin udah bisa masuk kali yah..
Oleh: Indi Soemardjan (7483) 20 tahun yang lalu
banyak measurebator juga ya ternyata di banyak benua...
measurebator bahasa apaan lagi :p
mister iing, measurebator= http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/7.htm Equipment Measurbator: Bottom Level 1 (equivalent to "Hell" in Christian mythology) These men (and they are all men) have no interest in art or photography because they have no souls. Lacking souls they cannot express imagination or feeling, which is why their images, if they ever bother to make any, suck. They are interested solely in equipment for its own sake. They will talk your ear off for hours if you let them, but as soon as you ask to see their portfolio their bravado scurries away, or they think you want to see their cameras or stocks. You can read why cameras simply don't matter here. Most seem to come from technical avocations, like engineering, computers and sciences. These people worry so much about trying to put numerical ratings on things that they are completely oblivious to the fact that cameras or test charts have nothing to do with the spirit of an image. Because they worry so much about measuring camera performance we have dubbed them "Measurbators." Unfortunately, many of them wander into KenRockwell.com looking for information on camera performance. Many of them also play with audio equipment, computers or automobiles. They enjoy these toys just like their cameras for their own sake, but rarely if ever actually use them for the intended purposes. Younger ones play video games or engage in chat rooms and web surfing. Older ones join "camera" clubs. (You should join photography clubs, but never camera clubs or any clubs that try to score art, since art is entirely subjective and cannot be scored numerically.) Likewise, these people never create anything notable with any of this other gear either, but they sure get excited by just having, getting or talking to you about it. The one type of gear these people ignore is the only type of gear that actually helps: lighting. Someone with a decent portfolio is not an equipment measurbator. Someone with more cameras than decent photos just may be. People with websites teeming with technical articles but few interesting photographs probably are. Do not under any circumstances deal with these people, talk to them, read their websites or especially ask them for photography advice. To the innocent they seem like fonts of knowledge, however their sick, lifeless souls would love to drag you into their own personal Hells and have your spirit forever mired in worrying about how sharp your lens is. If you start worrying about this and you'll never photograph anything again except brick walls and test charts. These people are easy to identify. If you've read this far you've probably seen their websites. They always have lots of info about equipment, but very few real photographs. Beware of any information from any website not loaded with photography you admire. I had to pull most of the photos of equipment off my site because these people were spending more time looking at my equipment than my art! The bandwidth for which I pay was being eaten up by these idiots looking at my lenses, instead of looking at the photos in my gallery which is the whole point of this site. That's why all the stupid pages like this one are in yellow, so that their eyes hurt too much to waste too much time on the nuts and bolts. Most people who waste my time e-mailing me with technical and equipment questions through this site unfortunately belong to this unenlightened bottom group. Almost anyone who actually worries about the level they occupy belong to the bottom. Many of these folks stalk the Internet, and spend hours getting off "contributing" to technical websites and photography chat rooms like Photo.net, www.dpreview.com, photocritique.net and the German Forum fur Nikon-Fotografen und Sammler instead of making photos. The guys here aren't too bad, and most of the Leica people here are just equipment collectors. who is? Me. No. You. No.
It's Measurbator not measurebator, makanye gua tanya bahasa apaan. biasa soal bahasa paling jago luh, tumben
Ing...beda "e" aja protes....jangan gitu luh ama guru bahasa...[-x
nyang bener mestine measurebatok... batok'e di measure
Oleh: Agus Saptono (2626) 20 tahun yang lalu
Info dari datascript 20D masuk akhir september ini, sdh pesen 2 buat temen kantor. Feeling sih info ini bener, karena dia selama ini dia nggak pernah ngasih janji surga. Barang yang masuk nggak banyak, tiap negara kena kuota karena permintaan sangat besar dan kapasitas produksi Canon terbatas. [kayak peminat Kijang Innova saja ..... antreee .....]
Oleh: Yoseph Budiyanto (4505) 20 tahun yang lalu
Pak Agus, harganya berapa datascrip?? Hubungi siapa? Saya sdh keburu lepas 10D =P Kalo emang ada, saya mau donk..Tapi kalo harga ok..( usd1499???)
Pak Agus, harganya berapa didatascrip?? Hubungi siapa? Saya sdh keburu lepas 10D =P Kalo emang ada, saya mau donk.. Tapi kalo harga ok..( usd1499???)
Oleh: Grace Utomo (10175) 20 tahun yang lalu
iri aku...:( 20D kalo kits dapet lensa apa yah?
Harga sih biasa nya nggak beda jauh dengan SRP (suggested retail price) nya dari Canon, body only tanpa lensa mestinya sekitar $1500. Kalau yang dengan lensa kit ada dua pilihan, efs 11-22 mm atau efs 17-85 mm. Kita tunggu saja.