Oleh: Rochim Hadisantosa (104553) 20 tahun yang lalu
Topik terakhir di forum Jurnalistik kulihat bertanggal 12 Juli 04, maka biar gak terlalu lama forum ini kosong, topik ini dibuat :) Di reportage.org ada artikel menarik, tentang perbandingan dua surat kabar, Walfadjri newspaper di Senegal dengan Asahi Shimbun di Jepang. Penulis dan fotografer dr artikel ini adalah Karim Ben Khelifa. Relative values Karim Ben Khelifa looked at the work of two daily newspapers at opposite ends of the spectrum. The Asahi Shimbun in Japan, sells 12 million copies daily, and the Senegalese paper Walfadjri based in Dakar has a circulation of 12,000 copies. Both papers share the same goal, independent news coverage, but the resources available for them to achieve this goal are very different. Walfadjri newspaper National daily newspaper since 1993, circulation 12,000/day, 0% subscriber, 30 journalists, 2 page makers, one photographer, one sub-editor, one security guard, one mini-van, one car, website 200 hits/day, average annual salary for a journalist US$ 2,350. Website of the Walfadjri at http://www.walf.sn. Asahi Shimbun newspaper Daily national newspaper since 1935, circulation 12 million/day, 99 % subscribers, 7,500 employees, 2,800 journalists, 130 photographers, 135 limousine and drivers, 38 security guards, 2 jetplanes, 5 helicopters, website 3 millions hits/day, average annual salary for a journalist US$ 120,000. Website of the Asahi Shimbun at http://www.asahi.com/english/english.html
Walfadjri newspaper: Main entry of Walfadjri in Dakar. The building also houses a radio station called Wal FM. The newspaper doesn't have any local bureaus, the five correspondents throughout the country send their stories by fax. Asahi Shimbun newspaper: The building called 'Annex' in the Tokyo head office. Asahi Shimbun has 4 head offices, 300 local and regional bureaus throughout the country and 29 general bureaus around the world.
Walfadjri newspaper: A journalists coming into work is welcomed by the Walfadjri's security guard on the street in front of the office. Asahi Shimbun newspaper: The main entry of Tokyo head office of Asahi Shimbun newspaper. Journalists and employees arriving for work are greeted by security guards.
Walfadjri newspaper: Walfadjri has only one sub-editor. Journalists submit their stories in handwriting first. Asahi Shimbun newspaper: The 'Onegaï' ('please' in japanese) are the delivery boys of the Tokyo's newsroom. Mainly young people, they literally run around the office to attend to the needs of the reporters and page makers, when employees call out 'Onegaï', the runners jump to attention to bring them drinks, make xeroxes or deliver memo's. They also bring the printouts over from the graphic department to be checked by the newsroom editors. Asahi Shimbun employees 20 'Onegaï' on a full time basis
Walfadjri newspaper: The Walfadjri's newsroom. Asahi Shimbun newspaper: The Asahi Shimbun's newsroom.
Walfadjri newspaper: Walfadjri journalists taking a break behind their desks. Asahi Shimbun newspaper: The 'Aerobic club' located in the basement of the Asahi Shimbun's complex in Tokyo. Besides the fitness-room, Asahi offers its employees 190 fully equipped capsule bedrooms, two traditional japanese bathhouses, two restaurants, a news-stand with international press, a travel agent, a small hospital, a hairdresser's, a dentist's office, a massage service, tennis and basketball courts.
Walfadjri newspaper: In the Walfadjri's newsroom, only seven computers are at the disposal of the journalists. Papa Samba, a young reporter, has just been hitting his computer screen to try and make it work. Only the editor-in-chief and the graphic editor have their own offices. Asahi Shimbun newspaper: At Asahi Shimbun, one page editor and two graphic artists are assigned to each page. The newspaper employs close to 400 page editor and close to 450 graphic artists. The page editor judges the value of various articles and pictures, makes layout decisions and changes headlines and captions when necessary. Asahi Shimbun has developed its own computer's software 'Nelson' which enables and encourages journalists to do the layout of their own articles.
Walfadjri newspaper: Walfadjri has only one phone line for journalists to make outside calls. In all, the paper has three phone lines, one for outgoing calls, one for incoming calls and one for the internet connection. Asahi Shimbun newspaper: Hotlines connect Asahi's main newsroom to its regional bureaus and to journalists located around the clock at various strategic locations such as airports, courtrooms and the parliament.
Walfadjri newspaper: Besides radio, television is the main source for information from the outside for the Walfadjri's journalists. The computers have no storage space available to store an archive of the paper's production. Asahi Shimbun newspaper: CNN Japan, Newsweek Japan, Le Figaro Japan provide additional outside information to Asahi's journalists, next to the traditional sources such as local and international news wires and the web. Asahi Shimbun's own archives occupy an entire floor at the head office in Tokyo.
Walfadjri newspaper: Doudou Diop Sall is the only staff photographer. He works 6 days a week and is given US$ 120 to cover expenses and 30 rolls of film per month. His equipment consists of one Minolta camera body, one lens and his motorbike. He covers 3 or 4 stories a day. Asahi Shimbun newspaper: One of the helicopters owned by the paper to cover news all over Japan. In all, Asahi Shimbun employs 130 photographers, 80 of which are based in the Tokyo head office.
Oleh: Denny Stefano Taroreh, dentar (57444) 20 tahun yang lalu
walau bingung tapi kagum.......:) trims for share nya bang Rochim
Oleh: Gunawan Wibisono (26231) 20 tahun yang lalu
Wah... saya terkesan sekali. Mungkin ini yang namanya perjuangan...
Oleh: Agus Saptono (2626) 20 tahun yang lalu
duh .. makasih banget bang sharing nya ... ada senyuman buat energi pulang ke rumah, salam.
Oleh: Mustafa K. (5014) 20 tahun yang lalu
Bang Ochim bisa aja cari bahan. Biar gitu tiga jempol untuk Walfajri (idem "demi pagi", dari bhs arab)
Oleh: Nina Marzoeki (27061) 20 tahun yang lalu
plok... plok... plok! thanks, ochim... :)
kompas (arbain), suarapembaruan (rieska), republika, waspada (korannya Andi Lubis?) harusnya ada yg bikin perbandingannya tuh.. :)
Oleh: Mochamad Lutfi F. (8223) 20 tahun yang lalu
Sekarang ini, kenyataannya, dari link Bang Ochim di atas terlihat perbedaan yang sangat kontras di antara negara berkembang dan negara maju. Jepang, terutama Tokyo memang kota super. Tahun ini Tokyo dinobatkan kembali sebagai kota terpadat di dunia.
Oleh: Kupluk Merah (10549) 20 tahun yang lalu
salutt.. buang bung rochim.. makacih udah sharing.. sering2 aja hehehehe :D
Oleh: Rieska Wulandari (10745) 20 tahun yang lalu
wah Bang Ochim , tx ya infonya.. pencerahan banget nih.
Oleh: Widarto Adi, darto (13411) 20 tahun yang lalu
mantab bung rochim :D! foto essay comparatif yang luar biasa, strong human interest there...:D
Oleh: Cessy Karina (42569) 20 tahun yang lalu
menarik sekali ... wah di walfadjri cuma ada 1 fotografer, lowongan pkerjaan lebih terbuka dung ya ... :D
Oleh: Suryo Wibowo (25088) 20 tahun yang lalu
wah chim...elu udah tulis..gue masih belum tulis nih hehehe...ntar ya gue tulis...
Oleh: A.Irwan Endrayanto (7437) 20 tahun yang lalu
makasih bang ceritanya... foto2 esaynya bagus nih...
kemarin aku share juga artikel ini ama temenku yang senegal, dia protes loh ... :) menurut dia artikel ini menarik, tapi banyak yang tidak dipertimbangkan di essay ini. dan bener2 dicarinya dari senegal, koran kecil - independen - yang emang gak ada dana :D, dibandingkan dengan koran jepang yang besar - yang memang developed country. walaupun demikian sebetulnya di tahun-tahun terakhir ini ada perubahan terhadap newspaper walfadjri ini sejak artikel tsb dibuat (november 2000 yah?), karena koran ini termasuk yang memonitor secara langsung pemilu yang baru berlangsung di senegal - buat rakyatnya sesuatu yang baru bahwa pemilu bisa diawasi oleh rakyat, sehingga subscribernya dan hitlist di websitenya meningkat. anyway, thanks again for sharing :)
Oleh: Dany Kartiono (20924) 20 tahun yang lalu
cakep deh foto2 nya
Oleh: Andi Lubis (14072) 20 tahun yang lalu
tx 4 sharing, kak Rochim.... ini info yg sangat berharga... sedikit koreksi: aku di Analisa, bukan Waspada.... :) Analisa koran kecil yang persis dengan Walfadjri newspaper...