Oleh: Edward Ng (71) 20 tahun yang lalu
Right now I am on ongoing 4 months project exploring and documenting National parks in US. I have posted some of the pictures on my website. Due to virus attack on my provider, unfortunately I can't upload all my images. As soon as the server is okay, I definitely post them shortly. my website:www.edwardng.net Here are the list of the parks I visited: 1. Yosemite Geologists have been amazed by the work of Glacier who carved and and shaped the valley hundred thousand years ago. 2. Lassen Volcanic It displays some amazing geothermal activities. 3. Crater Lake It was formed when Mt. Mazama erupted thoudsand years ago. Then it collapsed onto itself forming a crater. 4. Redwood World's tallest tress are here. 5. Mount Rainier An active volcano in Washington capped with snow and glacier 6. Olympic From coastal area, rainforest, subalpine vegetation, to mountain and glacier, Olympic has it all. 7. North Cascades Magestic steep cliffs and hills cascading each other. Right now I am departing for Alaska continuing my journey documenting Alaskan parks and its famous Grizzly bear. Lastly, I would like to hear you comments. I truly appreciate your attention. Thank you. Best Regards, Ed Seattle, Washington
Oleh: Eleena Oktavian (1448) 20 tahun yang lalu
Kok link-nya gak bisa dibuka yah?
Oleh: D. Setiadi (81319) 20 tahun yang lalu
Is that the right URL? I really miss Alaska....what place are you heading to? Juneau? Sitka? Ketchikan? One of the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Don't miss Glacier Bay!Please take a bunch of Polar and Grizlly bears pictures...and Whales of course....:x
Oleh: Fadil Aziz (7946) 20 tahun yang lalu
Anda sangat beruntung :) dan kami sangat senang bila foto-fotonya bisa di-share disini. Unfortunately, saat ini website Anda juga tdk bisa diakses. Mohon konfirmasinya. Glacier NP dan Great Smoky Mt tidak masuk dlm itinerary?
Oleh: Ucok P. Harahap (40158) 20 tahun yang lalu
Lha... udah ngundang kok pintunya gak dibukain.
Oleh: Suryo Priyantoro, UYO (149423) 20 tahun yang lalu
Oleh: Russell Yoel Sahusilawane (7532) 20 tahun yang lalu
Bisa kok ... mungkin kemaren lagi down kali servernya ... :D anyway, fotonya keren2 Edward ... apalagi new version of Mount Rainier-nya .... cakepppp! Kok yang di FN ele ele sih? hehehehe...
Oleh: Cessy Karina (42569) 20 tahun yang lalu
foto-fotonya dahsyat, bagus-bagus banget =D> . suka terutama yang natural landscapenya.
Oleh: masbaz (39152) 20 tahun yang lalu
yupe.. I've seen it b4, Ng... so I know what to expect. Great pic, especially the joshua tree series. Where'd you get those? Arizona? Nevada?
hallo...hallo..mohon maaf. Emang nih provider gue claimed servernya lagi diserang virus jadi waktu itu masih dalam perbaikan. Gue rada sebel juga sih but saya kira sekarang udah up and running lagi. Makasih yah buat very nice and encouraging comments. I hope gue bisa berkarya lebih lagi. D Seyaidi: gue ke 4 national parks di Alaska (Denali, Katmai, Kenai Fjords, dan Wrangell-St. Elias) Fadil Aziz: masuk kok, lihat aja jadwal schedule gue di 2004 expedition. Russel Yoel:makasih yah..hehehe.. C Priamajar: terima kasihhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..:) Sebastian Leo, Masbaz: gue ambilnya di Southern Calfornia, called Joshua Tree National Park.:)