Oleh: Mira TJ (4738) 20 tahun yang lalu
Ada latihannya loh di Eyes on Art. Dibahas dari yang dasar sekali. Dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan atau latihan-latihan di website ini, tanpa terasa apresiasi kita terhadap seni meningkat. Dari yang saya pelajari di sini, seni bukan sesuatu yang dihafalkan, bukan pula sesuatu yang bisa diindoktrinasikan; seni adalah sesuatu yang harus dihayati sedikit demi sedikit, the art of seeing bukan hanya sekedar melihat-tapi juga merasakan.Apa hubungannya dengan fotografi? Well, kalau Anda masih bertanya tentang ini, berarti Anda tidak menganggap fotografi adalah bagian dari seni rupa, berarti juga...ada segudang fotografer FN yang mencak-mencak jika mendengar Anda.
Ini cuplikannya: The following questions were supplied by Prof. Craig Roland of the University of Florida, Gainesville. When looking at a work of art, students might be asked to: describe it. What kinds of things do you see in this painting? What else do you see? Benda-benda macam aja saja yang Anda lihat dalam lukisan ini? Apa lagi yang Anda lihat selain itu? What words would you use to describe this painting? What other words might we use? Kata-kata apa yang akan Anda gunakan untuk menggambarkan lukisan ini? Kata-kata apa lagi yang bisa kita gunakan? How would you describe the lines in this picture? The shapes? The colors? What does this painting show? Bagaimana Anda menggambarkan garis-garis dalam lukisan ini? Bentuk-bentuk dalam lukisan ini? Warna-warna dalam lukisan ini? Apa yang diperlihatkan oleh lukisan ini? Look at this painting for a moment. What observations can you make about it? Pandanglah dengan cermat lukisan ini selama beberapa saat. Observasi yang bagaimana yang Anda dapatkan? How would you describe this painting to a person who could not see it? Bagaimana Anda menggambarkan lukisan ini kepada seseorang yang tidak bisa melihatnya? How would you describe the people in this picture? Are they like you or different? Bagaimana Anda menggambarkan orang-orang di dalam lukisan ini? Apakah mereka seperti Anda atau berbeda? How would you describe (the place depicted in) this painting? Bagaimana Anda menggambarkan (lokasi) lukisan ini? relate it. What does this painting remind you of? Lukisan ini mengingatkan Anda akan apa? What things do you recognize in this painting? What things seem new to you? Apa yang Anda kenali dalam lukisan ini? Apa hal2/benda2 yang kelihatannya baru bagi Anda? How is this painting like the one we just saw? What are some important differences? What do these two paintings have in common? How is this picture different from real life? What interests you most about this work of art? analyze it. Which objects seems closer to you? Further away? What can you tell me about the colors in this painting? What color is used the most in this painting? What makes this painting look crowded? What can you tell me about the person in this painting? What can you tell me about how this person lived? How did you arrive at that idea? What do you think is the most important part of this picture? How do you think the artist made this work? What questions would you ask the artist about this work, if s/he were here? interpret it. What title would you give to this painting? What made you decide on that title? What other titles could we give it? What do you think is happening in this painting? What else could be happening? What sounds would this painting make (if it could)? What do you think is going on in this picture? How did you arrive at that idea? What do you think this painting is about? How did you come up that idea? Pretend you are inside this painting. What does it feel like? What do you think this (object) was used for? How did you arrive at that idea? Why do you suppose the artist made this painting? What makes you think that? What do you think it would be like to live in this painting? What makes you think that? evaluate it. What do you think is good about this painting? What is not so good? Do you think the person who painted this do a good or bad job? What makes you think so? Why do you think other people should see this work of art? What do you think other people would say about this work? Why do you think that? What grade would you give the artist for this work? How did you arrive at that grade? What would you do with this work if you owned it? What do you think is worth remembering about this painting?
Bayangkan kalau kita wajib menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas untuk sebuah foto di FN...:D
Oleh: Yoni Tan (13785) 20 tahun yang lalu
Sehari bisa-bisa komentar satu foto aja. Kemudian krn requirement upload itu 2 komentar sebelum upload 1 foto, jadinya yah nggak upload2 foto, seperti ....... *ngacir dulu ah*.... Rasanya baru bisa diterapkan pada suatu foto yang well-concepted saja dan bukannya yg bersifat asal2an ataupun dokumentasi. Iya khan atau ? ? ?
Pebi hani bani...daku cuma memilih untuk tidak menayangkan poto-potoku nan menggemaskan itoeh...soale, metodenya, jangan keseringan dong, biar ngga pada bocen.
Oleh: Damon Rizki (9249) 20 tahun yang lalu
Wah kalo di Fn komentarnya harus mencakup semua aspek diatas, biasa berapa panjang komennya...susah yah untuk ngerti seni..
Oleh: Feri Latief (10508) 20 tahun yang lalu
Mir, ada versi bahasa Indonesianya nggak? Gue nggak ngerti!
Oleh: Andy Sugiharto (54126) 20 tahun yang lalu
Very..very interesting..
Oleh: Agan Harahap (77838) 20 tahun yang lalu
sebenernya sampe sekarang masih banyak orang yg masih mempertanyakan apakah fotografi itu termasuk seni rupa atau bukan...
Dari yang aku pernah baca-baca sih, ya memang ada fine art photography, ada yang documentation photography. Tinggal tergantung cara berpikir si fotografer dan cara berpikir si penikmat (apresiator?). Negara kita memang masih tertinggal dalam soal apresiasi fotografi. Perlukah itu dirubah? Hmmmm...itu mah kembali pada pribadi masing-masing, enaknya aja bagaimana. Bang Fery, sori Bang. Daripada daku nanti malah mengubah sense dari pertanyaan2 ini, mendingan versi aslinya saja, tidak diterjemahkan. Lagipula...aku kan sudah nyari. Gantian yang lain dong yg nerjemahin. Enak betul...
Oleh: Suryo Wibowo (25088) 20 tahun yang lalu
idem Feri Latief...