Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  Eka PutraBagia (7212)    21 tahun yang lalu


Dulu pernah dapat link tentang ini, nyari di Google, jadi inget setelah baca artikel Kang Andrian Purnama
Expose for the Highlight and Process for the shadow (lebih baik under dari pada over) a study on contrast range of canon G5,
saya sharing link ini, G5 Spot Metering Technique , isinya cuplikan buku dgn judul "The Confused Photographer's Guide to On Camera SpotMetering"

Saya masih belum mempraktekkan apa yang ada di site itu, abis belum ngerti.. :)

Berikut cuplikan site tsb :

  • Set the ISO of your Canon G5 to 100 and choose an outdoor subject. Activate theSpot metering/Partial Metering option on your G5 and set your camera’s mode to manual and to the shutter speed to 1/500 or 1/1000 sec.
  • Observe your subject and break it down into its simple subject (single tone) components. Choose a Reference Tone. A Reference Tone is a simple tone (one tone) usually chosen from the most important part of the subject. Once you have selected the Reference Tone, point your spotmeter circle at this tone so that the spot frame falls WITHIN this simple tone and find its normal exposure. If your subject does not have a distinct single tone pick out a tone that is medium gray or brighter.
  • Let’s assume the "normal exposure" indicated by your camera for this Reference Tone is [email protected] (i.e., 1/250 sec. at an aperture setting of 5.6). As you may know, the spotmeter’s "normal exposure" from any simple (single toned) surface will always provide the photographer with an 18% gray image tone (or a Grayscale density of 128 (out of 256) in photoshop on your home computer when you convert the image to black and white/grayscale). The image tone that your camera's normal exposure provides is independent of the original tone of your subject!
  • In spotmetering, converting the "normal exposure" to the "correct exposure" is what a photographer must do. In other words, the "normal exposure" readings of the spotmeter must be interpreted by the photographer to determine the subject’s"correct exposure." The principle behind this simplified technique is that if one tone of a complex subject is exposed correctly, the rest of the tones follow and will also be correctly exposed . Now decide which one of the following tones would most closely matches your Reference Tone: Black, Dark Gray, Medium Gray, Light Gray or White. With this simplified technique you must choose one of these five tones. Once you have decided which one of these five tones best matches your Reference Tone, then adjust your camera settings accordingly:
    • If you chose Black, you need to decrease the "normal exposure" setting by two stops. Decreasing the exposure time by two stops converts the 18% gray image tone to Black. The correct exposure is now 1/[email protected] or equivalent.
    • If you chose Dark Gray, you need to decrease the "normal exposure" setting by one stop. Decreasing the exposure time by one stop converts the 18% gray image tone to Dark gray. The correct exposure for this is 1/[email protected] or equivalent.
    • If you chose Medium Gray, leave the aperture and shutter speed as they are since the meter is already creating an 18% gray (Medium Gray) image tone, i.e., the tone of the image matches the approximate tone of the Reference Tone. Also remember that when metering from a medium gray surface, the "normal exposure" and "correct exposure" settings are approximately the same. In this case the correct exposure is 1/[email protected] or equivalent.
    • If you chose Light Gray, you need to increase the "normal exposure" setting by one stop. Increasing the exposure time by one stop converts the 18% gray image tone to Light Gray. This results in a correct exposure of 1/[email protected] or equivalent.
    • If you chose White, you need to increase the "normal exposure" setting by two stops. Increasing the exposure time by two stops converts the 18% gray image tone to White. The correct exposure would be 1/[email protected] or equivalent.

Dan Bla.. bla.,. bla.. seterusnya bisa dilihat di site tsb..
Foto ini adalah analogi dari keterangan diatas ..
Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  iing Gunawan, sidoel (27236)    21 tahun yang lalu


kenapa nga di masukin ke artikel mas?

Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  Indi Soemardjan (7483)    21 tahun yang lalu


G Spot? Wah ini topik menarik! Saya masih mencari G Spot nih... :) PS: Coba cari arti kata G Spot di Google :) Selamat mencarinya!

Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  pramana sudiro (30467)    21 tahun yang lalu


G spot mah porno, yg bener G5 spot!

Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  Eka PutraBagia (7212)    21 tahun yang lalu


Kang Iing : bukannya artikel harus tulisan buatan sendiri, bukan saduran/terjemahan dari artikel lain. Lagi pula saya belum ngerti secara benar tentang artikel spot metering itu..
Kang Indi :G spot mah jauh atuh dengan G5 spot saya :)

Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  Yusuf Paulus (31587)    21 tahun yang lalu


Yg dimaksud dg artikel diatas adalah untuk kalibrasi, yg prinsipnya sama dengan 16 sunny day.

Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  Fajar Widharta (7360)    21 tahun yang lalu


hmm...apa prinsipnya digital terbalik dengan BW analog?!

Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  Andrian Purnama T.S. (10973)    21 tahun yang lalu


Prinsip digital terbalik mas, kalo analog kita berusaha expose shadow dengan "benar" kalo digital kita expose highlight dengan "benar"

Film analog lebih toleran terhadap over, sementara digital lebih toleran terhadap under.

Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  Uchin Mahazaki (21728)    21 tahun yang lalu


original post by Indi Sumardjan
G Spot? Wah ini topik menarik! Saya masih mencari G Spot nih... PS: Coba cari arti kata G Spot di Google Selamat mencarinya!

Andrian Purmana >>> kira kira kalo pakai spot metering, efektif nggak ya kalo kita merata ratakan hasil pengukuran antara daerah terang dan gelap ??? :)

Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  Andrian Purnama T.S. (10973)    21 tahun yang lalu


Mas Uchin : Tergantung ...

Contoh : bidang terang dan gelap selisih 5 stop, maka rata rata nya kita ambil kan artinya selisih 2 1/2 stop antara terang dan gelapnya kan ? Maka bagian highlightnya akan terlalu washed out (refer ke tulisan saya tentang penyelidikan di G5). Teknik yang benar adalah meyakinkan bahwa selisih nilai higlight dengan exposure kita adalah max 2 stop. Nanti masalah shadownya bisa kita angkat dengan level / curve

Re: Canon G5 Spot metering technique

Oleh:  Uchin Mahazaki (21728)    21 tahun yang lalu


oke ndri .. sip.. sip...