Bertolak dari Kasus 3TU

Melihat perkembangan kasus 3 TU yang terjadi di FN saya teringat salah satu bagian dari buku "Tao of Photography" [Philipe L Gross & SI Shapiro]. Dalam buku ini ada bab yang menjelaskan tentang barriers to seeing atau hal-hal yang merintangi penglihatan dalam arti yang membuat fotografer menjadi tidak kreatif, dan tidak berkembang. Barriers to seeing sering dibahas dalam buku fotografi terutama mengenai creativity dalam "The Art of Seeing" [Freeman Patterson] hal ini dianggap sangat penting untuk diketahui supaya seseorang bisa melihat lebih jauh. Dalam "Tao of Photography", barriers to seeing terdiri dari:

1.The need to conform, to win approval, to be a member of the group-inability to disagree, to be unpopular, to stand alone.

2.Overrespect for authority, for great man. Becoming only a disciple, a loyal follower, ultimately a stooge, unable to be independent, anable to affirm one self.

3.The ability to be only active, dominant, masterful, controlling, in charge, “masculine,” and the inability to be also noncnotrolling, noninterfering, receptive.

4.Underrespect for authority. The need to fight authority. The inability to learn from one's elders or teachers.

5.Knowledge and truth may be feared, and therefore avoided or distorted, for many reason.

6.Rubricizing, i.e. pathological categorizing as a flight from concrete axperiecing and cognizing.

7.Intolerance of ambiguity : the inability to be comfortable with the vague, the mysterious, the not yet fully known.

8.Dichotomizing compulsively; two-valued orientation; either-or; black or white.

9.The need for novelty and devaluation of the familiar. The anability to perceive a miracle if it is repeated one hundred times.

Untuk kasus 3TU saya mengutip kelanjutan dari point nomor 1 yang saya anggap memiliki relevansi [sambungan no.1.] : This motivation characterizes the constricted photographer very well. Andreas Feininger depicts the conformist this way: In photography, it is he who is responsible for the majority of mindless photographs. He is the joiner, the imitator, the photographer who plays it safe. Such people have surrendered their individuality in exchange for approval, approval by the system, the organization, public opinion, their fellows at the photo club. They have succumbed to fads and trends, they are in-people who belong to a group or school, and they look down on anybody who does not belong. Feininger also explain why such a conformist attitude endangers artistic and personal growth: Photographer who identify with specials group where everybody follows the same line of though are deprived of the stimulating criticism and exchange of controversial ideas necessary for the intelectual and spiritual development of any human being.

The Motivation to please others by conforming to preset norms or group pressure not only prevents the exploration of new photographic avenues, it also constrict the photographer's awareness within the limitation of visual paterns that have already been populrized by other photographers.

Di FN (IMHO) saya melihat FPE begitu diagungkan, semua berlomba mendapat gelar FPE, ketika FPE sudah mulai terdistorsi yang tadinya untuk memacu kretivitas menjadi semacam gelar kehormatan, segala macam cara dilakukan, mulai memotret foto yang sering dilirik (foto model dengan pose atau pakaian yang sexy), mengharapkan 3TU dengan berbagai cara, salah siapa? Siapa yang harus bertanggung jawab? Semua itu berawal dari ego kita untuk menjadi FPE ego, ego menjadi the number one, ego yang begitu besar yang tidak kita sadari telah mengacaukan penglihatan kita semua. Beranikah kita semua bercermin ?? “But I lie, lie to the mirror. The one I've broken, to match my face” -- Metallica